Tuesday, February 22, 2005

patience, obedience, yellow and blessing

It's a good morning today. I am feeling quite rejuvenated after a mostly quiet weekend. Before this weekend i don't really remember my last 'day off' - a day that carried absolutely no responsibilities. But Friday and Monday i was treated to a couple of such days. I like.
Once in a while i decide that i should read the entire Bible in a year. SIDENOTE: Christians dont know anything about what they believe or about the bible and that's one of my pet peeves. Therefore, reading the Bible is not something to be commended for; it's something that we'll be crippled without. So much more i could rant but i wanna stay on topic. So at the moment i am reading in Leviticus and i just started Revelation. i know i should start at the beginning but i don't wanna and i dont have to if i don't wanna. Reading Leviticus and Numbers and such can be quite boring at times. But I've been learning some great things. God's ways are sooo backwards sometimes. Actually, nearly all the time. It's talking about how the Israelites were supposed to farm the land for 6 years and then take a year off. But what'll they eat that 7th year???? God promised that not only would they be taken care of but that the 6th year would produce 3-fold. Does that make sense. Not to this guy. But that's the way God works! When we obey the stuff that doesn't make sense He'll take care of the rest.
So that kinda fits totally with what i've been learning with work. I asked rick if i could take mondays off just so i'm not working 7 days a week. Can i afford it? probably not. But the real question is, 'can i afford not to???!?' I know that i will be better off if i give a day back to Jesus and rest. That's what i'm learning anyway....
Another thing i'm learning is patience. But that's something that i'm learning the hard way! I hate it. I hate being patient. Someone told me that i'm a control freak. I didn't really know that. i think these things are related, but i'll be figuring that out sometime.
k, so that's all i know for now. and FYI my heart gets very happy when i get to read your lovely comments. So Sarah, Jenna, Kristin and Amanda - Thanks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, at the start of the post you put that once in a while i like to read the bible in a year, right? So i was thinking and i remembered that last jr.youth you said that darryl used to read the bible like i think it was in 3... maybe 1 maybe 2 years when he was 13? or was he 12... i dunno but it was something like that! Is that what inspired you?

1:29 PM


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