Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pimp My Scooter

Once a month, on the last Tuesday of the month, the senior citizens of Elim Tabernacle gather together for fellowship, a service, and then lunch. Those of us on staff look forward to these days, mostly because Marion cooks an awesome meal. And being on my own I cherish the few good meals i eat in a month. All we do is help a few of the seniors with their plates, serve coffee and tea and then we 'go to town' on the buffet line. It's quite a good deal.
One one such Tuesday, while we were waiting for the service to end, we (by we i'm not totally sure who was all there. Probably Glen, Shawn, Barry, and I) were eyeing up all the scooters and walkers that line the church hallway. So we decided that we were going to pitch a new concept to MTV. And there came the birth of a brand new evolution in television... "Pimp My Scooter". We'd have to find someone old and famous to host it. Maybe James Garner. He's cool. And so darn romantic in that movie.... oh yeah, the Notebook. How could i forget??!?
So next time you see an old person flying around on a pimped out scooter, ponder those 3 little words, Pimp My Scooter...

PS... Just a note regarding the hockey blog i wrote the other day... (by the way, Kristin, i agree that the word 'blog' sucks and i try to avoid using it) ... So i don't hate hockey. I merely hate the NHL. Hockey can be a beautiful thing. Within the NHL however, hockey is not beautiful. It is diluted and boring. Nearly every sport, NHL and MLB specifically, would benefit from losing about 10 teams. The mediocre athletes would be relegated to the minor leagues where they belong. By the way, If any of you mediocre NHLer's read this our team is going into the playoffs in a couple of weeks and could use your help. gimme a call!

that's what i know today. i'm done


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