Thursday, February 24, 2005

E-68 Rocks!

I really like Jr Youth! It's a very confusing and awkward age. Jr Youth are often incredibly mean. I've noticed that in a group they will identify the weakest member and in their best british voice they'll say, "you are the weakest link, goodbye". (man, did that show flop!) no they don't actually say that but they do take the weakest kid and step on them and push them lower, all in an attempt to secure that they're not the lowest. It's survival of the fittest. It's cruel and very painful. The weak kids learn how to pretend. They become so good at pretending that they eventually have no idea who they are. They're so used to being whoever they're supposed to be, or who they think their 'friends' will think is cool. those stupid 'friends'.
Even last nite at Jr youth there was a group of girls that decided they wanted certain girls in their group, thus giving their stamp of approval on those girls while painfully rejecting the others. Who the heck said that their stamp of approval meant anything. Who cares what you think? am i being harsh on a bunch of 13 year old girls. maybe. but i hate it.
(I need to make sure that in my own circle of friends im not acting in hypocrisy. Lord help me.)
But i really do love Jr Youth. There are some challenges (as cited above) but there are so many good things. They're not yet 'too cool for skool'. They'll play nearly any game and though it's rare, they do actually listen sometimes. They also idolize 'cool' authorities in their life, which is good for me cuz i need to learn to live up to that responsibility.
k, so i started with not knowing what to write and lookee here, i've got a whole long blog. that's what i know this thursday! all my love....


Blogger Jenna said...

I hated juniour youth when I was in it. I was like in the middle crowd but not in teh coolest crowd and they were not nice to me! I still remember the vil glares and laughs and how I couldn't sit at their table. All my friends were already in senior high except for me and it wasn't fair. I know how the juniour youth can be cruel. Luckily they have a great junior youth pastor like you to be there for them.

6:03 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

i'm just lucky to be able to soar with you eagles

7:36 PM

Blogger Scout said...

Hey man,
Glad to hear things are going good at Elim. You talked about Sex? How did that go over? I don't know if I could pull that off...
did you have any complaints from parents or anything like that..
i think it's cool
how long have you been a youth pastor for anyways,
we should hook up sometime

10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their not the only eagles! Theres still me n kristin. Yeah i know what you meen and who you meen. Anyways i know about the whole "oh your not cool because you are smarter then me, or your not cool just because i said so!" But when people grow older theres something they go threw in life, and that would be called maturity! Some people my age have it, and some don't! Me though, of course i do!

1:23 PM


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