Saturday, February 26, 2005


sometimes some people think too much. we miss out on life cuz we overanalyze every little freaking tiny detail of a decision that doesn't really matter. Our brains are crazy little things! My brain was thinking last night. i lay in bed wanting to sleep but my brain was thinking. and not just fluffy tired stuff, it was thinking quite deeply. it came to tell me about REALITY. I think that none of us here on earth actually have an accurate picture of reality. Our minds take in our lives and the world around us and interpret it to make up our version of reality. It's our reality, but it's not true reality. so each of us have our own little version of reality but none of us have it totally there. This applies to religion, morality, relationships, and many other things. our perceptions and misconceptions skew reality.
so i guess the goal is to keep ourselves as close to actual reality and to not let our minds misconstrue or overthink things and get us outta wack. i dont know if this makes any sense. everything is contextual and in the context of my simple mind it makes sense, and i could probably elaborate to help it make more sense but now is neither the time nor the place. I dont know. i'm lost sometimes. but don't worry, i'm ok.
if you read this blog you need to publish a comment or i will hunt you down
I laugh cuz all my blogs are totally alllll over the place and probably hard to follow at times. but they're just as much for me as they are for you anyway so shove it. haha, that's my new favorite saying. so i guess that's my version of reality for saturday, feb 26, 2005.... i think....


Blogger Jenna said...

I agree. We live in the world but we also live in our bubble. I know I do that way too often. Reality can be very hard sometimes, i guess that is why we don't always like to face. But on the other hand, if we don't face it, then reality will just get harder and harder. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

12:20 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

Kevin, I am so proud of your expert blog. You are keeping up with it, and I am amazed. I like that you are writing about real, thought provoking things, and also silly whatever things. Bravo, bravo.

3:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin, you said if i read it i have to reply. And so here it is. i really enjoyed reading it. It brought me back to my class last semester that still haunts me (Intro to Christian worldveiw) but thats okay. I still don't know where to find true reality. i guess thats why they want me to take Worldview Semenary next semester.
Andy Dunn

1:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the heck?...relationships....WHAT?? Not reality?? ahhh...what's going on...could you explain this view of yours on reality a little bit more elaborately. I had to sit and ponder about this concept for quite some time...and guess what...I still don't get it!!! An explanation would be swell Kevin Grant...God Bless.

12:45 AM


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