Thursday, March 24, 2005

E-68 last nite

Last nite we had E-68 Service. Once a month we have a worship service with music and the word and all that cool stuff. Sarah led the music for me and did a great job. What a catch! :)

The title of my message was "Jesus is my Imaginary Friend". The fact that i even had a little is quite an accomplishment for me. i usually know approximately what to say but don't know what to call it. Yesterday was the opposite. I had the title in my mind and a little of what i wanted to share, but didn't have a whole lot until about 2:30. It was such a crazy busy day but ended up great.

So the premise of my little talk was that often people treat God as if he's just an imaginary friend. they talk to him (or ask him for stuff) when they need him. but if we say we love Jesus we gotsta make him our #1 priority. i had a lot of fun interacting with the youth. They're great.

After the message we broke into our small groups where the leaders got to pray and talk with the kids. 2 gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time. that's sooo rad-mobile (scott eastveld said it first). Hey Thomas, one of them was Brayden! sweet hey?

Jordan Redpath is one of the funniest people i know. His mind is truly twisted.

Going bowling tonite, going to test out the taunting.... Have a great Easter everyone! Remember that the price Jesus paid was for you! That's what i know!


Blogger Kevin said...

i really like that green. i'm using it from now on!

6:39 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

not every post... i'm just throwing into the rotation... just for variety's sake, i wasn't like the orange as much anymore

6:39 PM

Blogger Scout said...

that is very "rad mobile" man!
**slap hands**
that made my night!

2:59 AM

Blogger Scout said...

shoot man...
also i lost my cell phone like...a long time ago and am thinking about getting a new one :) can you help me think about it more ?

3:00 AM


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