Thursday, March 10, 2005

erin is a nice friend

It's funny how this blogging community has multiplied. People who desparately wanted to stay away from the bandwagon have taken the leap. look at my list of friends. at least half of them started within the last week or so. crazy.

One person who's been on fire this week is Erin. She's got a killer blog. check it out. She had a great idea about blogging about people - mentioning at least 2 of her friends every blog. That should keep a person from not having anything to write.

So since i'm stealing her idea for today i'm going to talk about her. Erin and i met at camp in the summer of 2004. I am the director of Jr Teen Camp at Living Waters and she was one of the counsellors for the week. She dated my bro for a while and she's still my honorary sister. We had a Jr Youth Leaders meeting yesterday and she came up with some killer ideas. We're going to miss her when she goes back to the Lloyd for the summer. If only Lloydminster was as cool as Lloyd Christmas. Then i'd wanna live there for sure. Harry, i took care of it.

Today is thursday. i don't think i've helped one customer yet. and i've been here for an hour and a half. that's a slow start to a slow day.... who knows, maybe i'll blog like 8 times today...


Blogger Jenna said...

Kevin, I think you should definitly blog 8 times today. That would be so cool. The blog world really has expanded. It is fantastic! My list of friends with blogs has multiplied since the beginning. It makes me smile.

1:56 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

man joe is freaking halarious

4:48 PM


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