Wednesday, March 02, 2005

mmm, summertime

Wow, i guess yesterday was busier than i thought. But maybe it's good to have a day off of blogging. hopefully i won't have a day where i have nothing to write.
I'm getting really excited about camp this year. This'll be my 2nd year as Jr Teen Camp Director at Living Waters Camp. Last year i had about a month and a half to plan camp. That, teamed with the fact that i had only even been to the camp for one night made planning very interesting.
But this year my friends, we're lightin' it up! Jesus and me are going to make this the best jr teen camp ever! We've got lots of kick-butt ideas. if any of you wanna help, you'd be joining an elite staff team. not just anyone makes the cut. but talk to me if you're interested. I can't wait!
In my world it'd be summer all year long. That way we could have camps all year long and play outside, and go for walks.... and most importantly of all, play baseball all year long. and football, and croquette. Croquette is quite fun even though i haven't played it since i was a little tike. We were at my cousins house in the little village of Shoenwiese, MB. Man, i musta been only 9 or something like that. My cousins name is Ryan. We used to always have sleep overs in the summertime. We'd bring our sleeping bags into their play structure (it was rad) and hang out there for the nite. oooo, we'd also play the FARMING GAME. and before you go saying that i'm some hick or something, don't! the farming game is kinda like monopoly but waaaayyyyyy better. it's long too, but ryan and i were just kids so we had lots of time.... Ryan's a good cousin... it's no good how we get old and drift apart. we see each other once or twice a year and it's kinda hard to catch up on absolutely everything.... ah well, such is life. life is good. i got a girlfriend


Blogger Kevin said...

oh kristy-anne, that day will come soon enuf

1:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Sarah and Kevin! You finally made it official no more pretending!
I can't wait until summer, luckily it's starting to warm will come soon enough

2:00 PM

Blogger Jenna said...

kevin u said if I ever wanted to be a guest speaker i could. What would I talk about? I dont know how to talk to preteens. But I think it would be lots of fun too. Hmmm

6:58 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

kevin could i be a guest speaker too? haha.

12:11 AM


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