Monday, February 28, 2005

not much to say today....

Seeing as it's my day off, I'm going to try to keep that them with this post. I'm taking a break from writing about crap that's too serious. man, what was i on last week??? Saturday night we had our final game of the regular season in our church hockey league. We played against Elim, which is always a fun game. Both of our teams are near the top of the league and knowing most of the guys creates a great rivalry. Well, we hammered them. We laid the boots to them. It felt good to be quite honest with you.
I stop that story for one reason. I realize that the majority of my readers, for whatever reason, are girls (at least the comments would suggest that) and don't give a rip about my hockey exploits. So that's all i will write for now. But when baseball season rolls around, don't think you're not going to hear about the ROCKIES. I think it's going to be a good year for our ball team. I can't wait! I've been waiting for baseball season since September. And we only finished in August. I often thanks God for baseball.
Well friends, i once again thank those of you for leaving comments. To Andy and Matthew, who were first time comment-leavers, thanks so much! And to you faithful few, i also appreciate you. I trust this day will bring happiness and a greater knowledge of the One who created and loves you. OUT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
Ok so I wasn't ever going to comment but I gave in. Although I was a little curious about the stalkers you were going to send my way. I'm glad to hear the hockey game went well and I'm totally looking forward to reading about every inning of every baseball game you play. As you know I'm also a baseball fan. I'm not sure who to cheer for this year since the Jays seem to be getting rid of all my favorites.

6:52 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

no Sonia, don't give up on the Jays. Vernon Wells is still there and don't you think Shea Hillenbrand is good looking? and Eric Hinske will have a better year this year. no, dont give up, just pray... pray like you've never prayed before

8:19 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

you're right kevin, i don't care about your hockey games and i don't care about your baseball innings. JUST JOKES! I LOVE BOTH THOSE SPORTS!!! no, no okay, i'm getting a little over the top there... you can talk about whatever you want because this is YOUR blog, and as long as you don't go overboard psycho with the sports, then even i will be interested to hear about your exciting games. Even I, Kevin, even I.

9:27 AM


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