Monday, March 07, 2005

rock, stones, but no pebbles or bam bam

if you know me you know it's odd that i'm at a computer at midnight. I don't have a computer at home so unless I'm at work or the church, i'm not going to be at a computer. So where am I, you ask? Well, i was on my way home from dropping Sarah off when i remembered that i had some unfinished business at battery boys from saturday. so i stopped in here to clean it up. I'd rather do it now than have rick call me in the morning while i'm enjoying my day-off-sleep-in. plus I'm quite awake since i had a power nap around... 6.30 i think. i was tired and Sarah said she didn't wanna hang out with a sleepy person. she's funny. but her suggestion was a good one and the power nap really did me well. I was worried that if i had a power nap that i might not be able to sleep tonite. but then i remembered that i get to sleep in so i hopped into bed for about 20 minutes. it was a good one (dumb and dumber).

So upon waking up from my brief rest i picked Sarah up, we had Timmy Ho's to go and went for a walk... then we watched my for-real favorite movie, 'For Love of the Game'. It stars Kevin freaking Costner and Kelly Preston. Its about Love and baseball. She really enjoyed it and of course i did too.

So yeah, i was talking to Erin and she said my blog sounds very pastoral... I'm not sure whether that's an insult or not. i know it wasn't meant to Erin, but i ponder that thought...

Eh, maybe some other time... Yesterday, talking to Jesus... (and no talking to Jesus is not a pastoral thing to do. you need to talk to jesus too, it'll help un-screw you life up.) So back to talking to Jesus; I understand that God created us with (for no better terminology) a God-shaped hole in all of us. There's a longing and an emptiness inside of every human being that only He can fill. So often though, we try to fill it with other stuff. Therein lies the problem of humanity. Trying to fill the longing for God with so many other things. Why? Cuz God seems illusive. Yeah, that may be true... But that's the only way to find the real thing, true sastisfaction... I think the Rolling Stones sang about that... I don't like their music but that's ok. Sometime i try to find sastisfaction in hockey, or baseball, or entertainment, or relationships, or my jr youth etc. But those will all leave me empty at the end of the day if i don't find my real self worth in Christ. If i expect those things to give me true fulfillment, i will be sorrowly disappointed! My world has to center on Him. I'm still working on the legistics of what that exactly means but i think i'm right.

God, thanks for teaching me stuff and help me to listen more. and pay attention more. and get distracted less. Thanks... ttyl

So (sigh) i guess i should give you all the hockey update. I know that's the real reason you're checking this blog. So on saturday i told you that we'd be facing the #1 seeded Rock of Ages team. Well, it was an up-and-down see-saw affair between two great teams. We jumped out to an early 4-1 lead but saw it evaporate as the refs were determined to call penalty after penalty. Soon we were trailing 5-4!?! Where did that stinking lead go? But in a time where the cream rises to the top, when the.... you know what i'm trying to say... I crossed the blue line, wound up and let my (not quite) blistering slap shot go. it deflected off the defenseman's stick, off of the goalie's shoulder and into the net. Not pretty but the correct result nonetheless. It was my 2nd goal of the nite. (however, my self worth is not place in scoring goals or being a good/mediocre athlete). Rock scored with just under 2 minutes left, deflating the morale of the Flames on the bench. But with around 1 minute left Bryce Kinzel stepped up with his 2nd of the nite, a trash goal in front of the net to tie it up.... off to O.T. In the church league, to keep games within time contstaints, Over Time = Shoot Out. Each team selects 3 skaters to shoot on the goalie. Whichever team has the most goals after all three wins. Flames' forward Kurt (last name unknown to the author) scored the only goal of the shoot out to give 1st E a huge upset victory. Though the method was not ideal, the outcome will do. We move now to the semi-finals to be played in two weeks.

may your monday bring you good tidings of great joy that will be for all people.... no wait, that's a different story... good nite


Blogger Jenna said...

thanks again for being my hero yesterday!

10:48 AM


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