Friday, March 04, 2005

i dont know what my title should be today

Good morning. no messing around. let's get down to business. after a little contemplation and deliberation i have come to the realization that i must apologize for my recent blog entries. i realize that every writer (no matter the degree of their expertise) will go through times of difficulty. And other times they will be in the grove. (insert sporting analogy here).
The last couple of days have been weak on my behalf and i must do what it takes to step it up, to raise the bar, to go for the gold.

first matter of business: i need some advice as to the appearance of my blog... creative consultation if you you can see i have allowed each entry to have a unique color. but gazing upon yesterday's purple i was nearly horrified. purple?!??!? it just does not jive with my blog! so i need your help. what color should my entries be. your votes count. so vote. as the rockers say, vote or die. actually im not sure if the rockers say that, but it sounds good, nonetheless. Also what about the font and size. (notice today's is different than usual and the same as most of yours) i'm really looking for some guidance here. help a brotha out. i know you girls have lots of creative imput to give so bring it on.

second matter of business: Yesterday was Chad's birthday. be sure to wish him a belated happy birthday if you have not done so yet. He's a splendid guy. And single for you ladies out there. give him a call. i'm sure he'd like that.

thirdly, do you like what i've done spacing my paragraphs like this. i know it's new for me, but highly overdue.

Tonight the 1st E Flames embark on what we like to call... the PLAYOFFS!!! we were able to grab the 3rd seed in the field of nine teams and tonight we'll take on the Mount Royal Mustangs (they're not really the mustangs but i thought it sounded right. that might be the high skool team's name... if you know then tell me). Last year Mount Royal was the worst team in the league and knocked us out of the playoffs in the first round. We will look to avenge that humiliation. i'm going to be jacked up for this game.

Adrenaline is an addictive drug. I think Sidney (jennifer garner) on ALIAS said that. Like Sunday night when we were bowling... i know it's dumb to get pumped up for bowling but it's way more fun that way. i was cheering really loud for my team and ok, maybe i look like an idiot. But at least the people around are able to engage in a little chuckle... My adrenaline took be to the pinacle of my game, finishing with a mighty 208. anything over a duece is pretty good i think.

that's what i've got today. i can't wait to hear what you've got for me... have a great weekend.


Blogger normanvanashley said...

Hey Kevy,
Well I didn't enjoy the purple, I started using only one, so you should pick a signature color too! you strike me as a blue. I enjoy the paragraph thing. It works really well! But don't forget, your blog is for you and for what you are thinking... its not always to please the readers. Mustangs is the highschool mascot for MR. Good luck against them tonight... Get a hat trick!! Anyhoot I remember your game (bowling I mean), it was a little embarassing for the rest of us, but when you started getting so pumped and your game started going so good it was awesome, and I was no longer wishin i couldn't be seen with you...haha... anyways your blog always makes me happy

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
Wow so much to comment on today...first of all I enjoy all your colors. Today's font was a little small but adding in the paragraphs was a great idea.
Second of all, hockey...I hope you win this year. I think Erin and I might have been visiting last year when you lost. Good times.
Third of all, bowling...I'm glad to hear you're still an amazing bowler. More good times.
Keep up with the good blogs, I've enjoyed most of them.

9:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
I meant to edit my comment but accidently posted it, I wanted to change it to say good times while in Saskatoon. I didn't mean it to say good times because you lost your hockey game last year.

9:37 PM


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