Wednesday, March 09, 2005

deep breath

Sometimes you've just got to take a deep breath. (deep breath) Man that feels good. Sometimes when you're mad at someone - or maybe annoyed - you just need to take a deep breath, remind yourself of their ignorance and move on. Your madness/annoyance will only effect you. They are unaffected because they don't know. and should they? no, you're just being stupid anyway. Sometimes i think i'm retarded or something.

Last night i watched Vince's hockey game. Vince is one of my jr youth and he plays for the Barons. He's a great guy! I'd share more about Vince but i'll maybe do that in person. Anyway, although they lost, it was a pretty good game. The final score was 2-1. Vince was sure he scored earlier in the game but the ref waved it off. He was all over the ice.

I think i need to take another deep breath. My heart is still angry even though my mind isn't anymore... (deep breath x 2) It feels good every time.

I'm not usually an angry person. I'm fairly even-tempered. Not too much will rattle me. I guess some things do though. i more often get annoyed than angry. I think i probably get annoyed too often. I need to not do that. cuz i probably annoy a lot of people.

Whatever, this is dumb. But you know what i love to do when i'm in this kind of mood ...(though i wasn't in this mood an hour ago. i was in a very good mood....) I like to drive really fast. i know it's bad. and i'm trying to stop. cuz the police man doesn't like it when i drive fast... something about dangerousness... and hurting people... and i definitely don't wanna do that!!! So i'm going to drive really nice today and i'll still feel better.

whew, i feel better already... (another deep breath)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin, Darryl and I are playing around a bit. I enjoyed reading your blogs so much - first thing I did this morning.
I haven't even read your last post - I have to get ready to go to town. I also left a message for you on the phone. By the way, I love the blue color the best - no matter what you write or how it looks I'll still read every word - Love Momma

2:01 PM

Blogger Courtney said...

Hey Kevin,

That's great that you are still hanging out with Vince! I hope God blesses you for it!


6:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin your annoyance doesn't annoy makes us fear you...and makes us fear the possibility of receiving the look of death from you.

10:32 AM


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