Thursday, March 17, 2005

not a happy camper

i just had a great blog today about all sorts of stuff. Man i wish it would have worked. I so disappointed i need to take a break to recover from this disappointment. i think a pizza pop will help with that. no, not a real pizza pop - a pizza buster, from superstore....

Man, do these pizza busters excite me! I can’t wait for them to cool off and then I can dig my little teeth into them…

Last night at Jr Youth Vince and Evan told me to come to their hockey game, but regretfully I told them that I had to work till 8 and wouldn’t be able to come. But I talked to Graham and he’s going to come in tonite. So I’ll be able to go to their game!

Jamie called me last nite and left a message on the ol’ answering machine. So I called him back and we had just a wonderful conversation. He’s going to be the youth pastor at the Nazarene church in Penticton. (I had articulated it so much better in my original blog). I love him

Yeah, out of rebellion I’m not going to try to re-write what I had written earlier. It was about my heros. Sorry, if you really wanna know ask me in person

Mmm those were good pizza busters


Blogger hiya said...

You rebel you...not re-writing your blog!! Yikes!! Anyways, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

4:34 PM

Blogger Jenna said...

kevin i want to hear about your it next time...pleeeease

4:43 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

we'll see... i guess the solution is that from now on i'll have to write my blog in word and then copy and paste. that's twice in the last week that's it's happenned... come to think of it... both times it's been on this freaking battery boys computer....

4:45 PM

Blogger Scout said...

hey man it starts at 7...leaders meet at 6:15 to just go over the nibght and everything, ur welcome to come

11:14 PM


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