Monday, March 14, 2005


do remember that cereal? I dont remember what it tasted like, but just by the name i think i liked it. i think the best cereal theme song would have to be frosted flakes... Just Show 'Em You're A Tiger, Show 'Em What You Can Do......... Man, what a great song... Bring out the Tiger in me! cool! But seriously, Tony the Tiger has distracted me from what i really wanted to write about.

Kristy-Anne had a really good blog. After many days of suspense she finally revealed her hero - her parents. bonne choix (not sure if that's correct francais). So, my question to you... who's your hero? Do a serious one and a funny one if you want...

Me? You wanna know who my hero is? Well, i've got lots. My mom and dad, Jose Canseco... no wait, not him... um, hero status is something that should not just be thrown around. I will have to think about this one and get back to you... i didn't expect this to require so much thought.

I look forward to hearing who your heros are. thanks for being in my life


Blogger Jenna said...

My hero is Alison Leontaridis. She has alwyas been so pure, and that takes a lot of strength. She has accomplished tons and is so incredibly smart and caring and compassionate and talented.

4:57 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

and she got a husband that's a freaking amazing singer!!!

5:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I remember that cereal. I'm much more of a frosted flake kinda girl myself. Not only because of the amazing advertising (which includes the hip cool tony the tiger) but because of the Grrrrreat taste! haha Cheese..sorry..Heros. I dont know. They change on a regular basis depending on who's in my life, and what I value/need the most at that time.

1:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hero is Brenda Rushton. She is a missionary in Mexico. She is an amazing woman of God.
I remember eating Pro-stars. They tasted like lucky charms minus the marshmallows.


8:37 AM


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