Saturday, June 18, 2005

if i had to pick one of the seven dwarfs to represent me, it'd be Sleepy. This whole week has been rough for me. I guess i'm not getting a tonne of sleep, but it should be enuf to keep me going...

Thursday my body was really screwed up. I was working at Battery Boys with an incredible headache. Really disturbing... and since it was so slow, and we had 3 people, i went home early. i popped a few pills and laid the ol' body down on the couch. 5:30 rolled around and i dragged myself off the couch to get ready for baseball. Finally as we warmed up for the game i didnt notice my head throbbing. Top of the 1st - no problem - 3 up, 3 down. Bottom of 1st - I made the line-up card and put myself at the leadoff spot (Daniel has been struggling at the plate so we dropped him down for a few games. I'm sure he'll turn it around in no time.) First pitch, curveball in for a strike... not a bad pitch. Second pitch, oh no sucker, you can't throw that twice in a row... I hit a bomb to the right-center gap (no fence at Deif 2) and got myself a nice little home run to lead off the game....

Well, my body did not seem to like running hard for 360 feet. it was like all the energy in my body. it's kinda hard to explain. that hasn't really happenned to me... except for a few years ago. Me and another guy were coaching the Pee Wee boys baseball team. They were awesome (ended up losing in the semi-finals of the provincials). One day, at the end of practice, Miles (the head coach), 18 years old, decides to challenge the boys to a race. each of the boys would have a run around the bases while Miles and i would have to go every other time. by the end of that run i had to lay on the grass for a long time. then i sat in a van nearly motionless for about an hour before i regained my strength.... i even puked that time, right in front of my friends. and then Holly started laughing at me... but she felt bad after....

ok, so enuf of the rabbit trail. we won the game 14-4. Then we played again last night. It looked intensly like it was going to rain. but i told God that i really wanted to play and asked if the rain could wait a bit. God is super rad. Though the wind was going at about 800kms/hr it didnt rain until the game was just over. We won 9-1. i went 2-for-3. Not a bad outting. Not that you care, but i'm now batting .636 (in case you have no idea what that means, its good)

Father's Day

I've decided that it's really important for me to be home for Father's Day.... ok so i just wanna see Sarah and this time just fit with my baseball sked. But Father's Day will be a nice bonus. It feels like forever since i've seen Sarah. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day....... Back in Sask on Wednesday. Until then my friends,


Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

kevin i want to be a counseller at camp give me a shout.. 880-3010

1:15 AM

Blogger Tyler said...

Hey buddie! Good playing, I guess all those games of Griffy we played payed off eh??? Lol. I am glad you are playing really well man. I know you love the game! I pray you continue to enjoy the talent God has given you to Play Ball. Glad you got to see your girlie too! Thats always nice! Take care man!


12:19 AM


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