Monday, May 09, 2005

two more days of housesitting/babysitting. its gone well so far, though its definitely a change in lifestyle, thought process, etc. i've cleaned up after kids, done their laundry, woke them up for skool, drove them to skool, maybe supper for the family, fed the pets and i'm about to embark on a major house cleaning over these next couple of days. Wow, i have become quite domesticated. it's ok though, it's all preparation for something down the road.

what have i learned? i need to learn patience and become less self-centered. i'll work on it. maybe you all knew i needed to work on that crap, but now i learned it too. yay for me.

JYC was alright. the kids had fun. i had some fun. kids got saved. i got saved... wait a minute... i think i was already. i thought that staying in a room with Dalton and Brayden would have me up all nite. they are two of the most hyper kids in know. they're great. they're two of the guys that make ministry worth it. Anyway i had those guys as well as two grade 5 boys in my room. i think we were asleep somewhere around 1am. what a miracle! i was sooo excited to get so much sleep. most of the boys dorm was still hoppin at that time. but nope, not my boys. Yeah, it was a great weekend.

prayer part II

Pastor Marvin said something really good yesterday in his sermon about prayer. when i heard it i thought, "hey, i'll have to put that in my blog as a post-script to my last blog. and now i forget that brilliant thought. i really have to get back to taking notes. if any of you know what starvin' marvin said let me know. merci.

i might go home this weekend

my baseball season starts next tuesday. Go Rockies.


Blogger Faith said...

baby sitting... what fun hey?
Glad you had some fun at the junior youth convention, and it sounds like the kids had a blast there to.
stravin' marvin... I could tell you a few things about the starvin' marvin from southpark....

4:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you go home? I haven't seen you or talked to you in about a week. Guess i'm a crappy friend. Ah well. Glad to hear that things are going so well and especially that you are learning new things. Domestication is a beautiful thing, glad you're working on that. Yes it will help for things down the road. hehe Being self-centred, well we all need to work on that. Other then that..I've got no words of wisdom, it's 1 am and I need to write on my own neglected blog.

1:03 AM

Blogger Jenna said...

hey kevin where have you been? I have been waiting for you to update your blog. I am a frequent reader here!!!

9:25 AM


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