Thursday, April 07, 2005

out of hibernation

Rocky IV – the Kev notes:

Rocky III is better than IV. I watch IV wednesday nite and was mad that the other guy died (I don’t wanna give the name so people that haven’t seen it don’t get mad. And I didn’t like that they started cheering for Rocky at the end. Lame… But Rocky was as ripped as ever.

E-68 Wednesday nite:

FEAR FACTOR night. Who woulda thought that jr high students love gross stuff soooo much. 45 kids showed up. Everything from live crickets and goldfish to sardines, licking feet and everything in between. If any of you ever wanna do fear factor get ideas from Erin, she’s great. If you can think of people who would love to get involved in volunteer youth ministry let me know…. Another thing you can inform me on… I don’t love battery boys so if you know of a flexible part-time job opportunity let me know. Thanks.

Message to the ladies:

warm weather = less clothes = perverts come out of hibernation. nope, not the bears, the perverts... You wouldn’t believe how many men I’ve heard today (thurs) welcoming the warm weather and the beautiful girls. I was actually in awe of what I was hearing. I mean, I knew men were pigs, but I didn’t realize it was to that extent. Yep, the perverts are out in full force. Sometimes girls think we tell them to dress modestly for our good, so we don’t ‘stumble’… but today my word is, for your own good, unless you enjoy the gaze of the pervert, to dress somewhat modestly. Word to the wise: respectable guys think that modestly dressed women are way more attractive than the chicks that show off their whole body…


Blogger kristin janzen said...

what a great test!

9:14 PM

Blogger Faith said...

I think I past!!!!!!!

12:02 AM

Blogger Faith said...

Hey kevin...If you are looking for volunteers I can help out if you need it, I use to be a youth leader at my old church, and I basicly ran the entire childrens ministry aswell..... for the jobs thing you can always check the job bank, its more helpful than people think..
here is a direct link:

12:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...word..i'll receive skanking it up..unless at the beach..or church..haha JUST KIDDING! Perverts out in full force...time pull out my Tae Bo moves. HA!

1:01 PM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

Yah seriouly there is nothing hotter than a hudderite woman dressed from neck to ankles. RRRRROOWWR!!! kidding but serious though nuns are hot

p.s. (I agree with you by the way, but sometimes the perverts are so pathetic that its funny)

12:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more. Hopefully many will read your blog and take it to heart.

4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Post Kev,
Its honest--I love it. The truth is so refreshing.

11:16 PM


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