Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rocky - the kev notes

Disclaimer: the only reason i'm blogging about this is cuz Rylan told me i should.... peer pressure wins again

Sunday, March 20, 2005, Lloydminster AB

Angie - "i pity the foo, i pity the foo......" she then tries to find the spot in Rocky III where Mr. T says that. I then devulge that i have not yet seen the Rocky movies. I mean, i've seen a few minutes when they've been on TBS but that's about it. well, Sarah and Angie insist that i have to watch them. So i tell Angie that I'm taking her tapes. sucka.

So Sunday Sarah and I proceeded to watch ROCKY. Throughout the first hour and 45 minutes Sarah kept apologizing cuz it was so slow. I thought it was alright. (As long as I’m watching it with does it really matter how slow it is?)

The story begins as Rocky Balboa is boxing some bum in Philly. Rocky’s a nobody, just a simple man, not too bright… He has a crush on Adrian. She works at a pet store. She’s shy. Her brother says she’s retarded. But Rocky likes her. They go out on a date on Thanksgiving after Adrian’s jerk-of-a-brother throws the turkey outside. Wow, those sparks are flying.

Meanwhile, there is a man named Apollo Creed. Not like the band creed, different. K, Apollo Creed is the best boxer on the planet. He’s the man. He was supposed to box a guy but he got sick or something… I don’t really remember, maybe I was holding Sarah’s hand at that time… Anyway, they need to find someone to fight Apollo (I think by now we all know where this story is heading). All the main contenders are busy that weekend or something and so they decide, in an act of true patriotism, to give a no-namer a shot at Apollo. A name jumps out to Mr. Creed; “the Italian Stallion” – Rocky Balboa. More story, more story, more story, blah blah… It’s the Ultimate David vs Goliath. Rocky’s just a bum that throws hard and is left-handed. Apollo has not only never lost but no one has ever lasted an entire match with him.

Lots of training, running, eating raw eggs, running up the stairs with the classic Rocky music….

Rocky ends up taking the beating of his life and surprises everyone by going toe-to-toe with the best boxer in the world. The match goes all 15 rounds and Apollo wins a split decision. A great moral victory… ADRIAN, ADRIAN!! He just keeps yelling it. I think he loves her or something. Then she finally gets to the ring and tells him she loves him. Yay… they love each other.

It was good… actually it won the Oscar for Best Picture that year. So obviously some of the critics liked it too.

In a way, we’re all a little like Rocky. We’re just struggling to keep our head above water. We don’t really realize how simple-minded we are and then we get a break. We have the decision to make, are we going to remain the same or are we going to let fame change us. I say we should all be like Rocky….. ok so I read into that analogy too much.

But the real lesson to learn is: respect your enemy but respect yourself more… or something

My favorite part of the movie… I think there was a good part with about ½ an hour left of so. Yeah, that was the best part. 2nd best part was the running up the stairs with the Rocky music.

countdown - 97.5 hours


Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

very in-depth for something out of peer pressure. way to go on the favourite parts by time, that was helpful. helpful like my ass as a can-opener. keep us up to date as rocky unfolds, but when you get to rocky 5 you can stop cause i dont think anyone likes that one.

2:59 AM

Blogger Faith said...

I have never really wtatched any of the Rocky movies my self, but then again I don't really want to, lol I have seen the "ADRIEAN!!!!!!!" part to many times lol.

12:23 PM


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