Monday, May 02, 2005

Robin Hood

(song) robin hood and little john, runnin' through the forest..... i got nothing. man i wish i remembered the rest of that song... it's from Robin Hood the cartoon movie. that's a classic. i like it a lot.

3 posts in less than a week! whoa, am i back to the old ways? nevermind that. let's just take it one day at a time. no need to define things!

sleeping update: it's weird that coming over here to the Eagle's would help me sleep better. but that's exactly what seems to be happenning. i like it though, don't get me wrong. yeah, can't complain. maybe last week there were just too many things on my mind... yeah maybe that's it. Just like Alyssa last week, i find myself blogging in a new environment. i kinda like. it's weird cuz i dont have a computer at my place. i'll have to make use of it over these next couple of weeks.

k, now to the real content of this blog

but first, the preamble - ang and amelia were over here last nite and we played settlers (sarah, i know i said we wouldn't but it just kinda happenned). anyway i won both games but that doesn't have any real relevance other than an opportunity for me to boast. (may i only boast in the Lord, right?) k, so after the games we were talking and ang was saying how she was this great archer. i laughed cuz i thought it'd be funny watching ang with a bow and arrow. scary crap. but later that nite my mind came back to it.........

last nite i was in bed thinking/praying. i was really noticing all those things in life that don't really matter. if you really think about it, most of the things in your life are completely irrelevant. if you strip that away, what's left? is there anything of substance? i hope so. but as i thought i saw it like this. it's kinda like an target. you know how in archery there's many rings. at camp they had pretty colors. but in life we prioritize like a target. what's got the bullseye in your life? If our eyes are fixed on anything but Christ we live life out of focus. None of the other rings make any sense without focus on the bullseye. on the next ring come our family and our very closest friends. Next are hobbies, jobs, and other friends.

obviously you might prioritize differently than me. i'm ok with that. and as i think about it, this message isn't a whole lot different than a lot of the other stuff i've been saying on here the last little while. it's just a different picture with different words.

but so much of our lives is spent majoring on the minors (one liner for sarah). we make a big freaking deal out of the crap that doesn't matter while giving no attention to the stuff that really matters. we place huge importance on our hobbies, jobs, and how we appear to the people around us while we give little thought to God throughout the day. Instead we should invest more time with God, to our families and our loved ones. Who cares what everyone else thinks???

Strip down your life and see what you've got. will it all blow away like chaff in the wind, or will you have something left that really matters?

to bring this to a close, i read this about an hour ago and i had to give it to you.

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.

For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.

- Psalm 37:4-7, 9


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good message Kevin!

12:35 PM

Blogger carramrod said...

Robin hood and Little John walkin' thru the forest,
laughin' back and forth at what the other'un has to say.
Reminiscin' this'n that'n havin' such a good time.
Oo-de-lally, Hoo-de-lally, golly what a day!
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water they were
dinkin' they just guzzled it down. Never dreamin' that a
schemin' sheriff and his posse was a watchin' them and gatherin'
all around.
Robin Hood and Little John runnin' thru the forest,
jumpin' fences dodgin' trees and tryin' to get away.
Contemplatin' nothin' but escape and fin'ly makin' it
Oo-de-lally, Hoo-de-lally, golly what a day!
Oo-de-lally, Hoo-de-lally, golly what a day

1:29 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

whoa, what the crap??!? that's great. i'm going to memorize those lyrics. but one question: who is brett? i do not know such a person

6:13 PM

Blogger doodlebugmom said...

Hi Kevin. First of all you dont know me. Second I'm not a weirdo....somedays weird..but not a weirdo! I was searching for the song you mentioned "its something like a broken heart" I heard it the other day and am trying to find it. When I did a goodle search, this was the only site it came up with! So Kevin, you are on the map, so to speak. I will keep looking for that song too!

I enjoyed your blog. Robin Hood was always one of my kids' favorites. Keep writing! And keep up the good work. Youth pastors are shaping future! Ours is the greatest and has been through Heck lately.

No doubt i have the longest reply! ?

Linda H :o)

8:03 PM

Blogger Faith said...

haha thats awsome, the disney version of robin hood is my favorite movie.... I would watch it over and over when I was a kid.

10:29 PM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

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1:54 AM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

Yah thats a good song.

1:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

number 10...
are you coming next monday to that thing at forest grove?

1:06 AM


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