Thursday, April 14, 2005

country music

At the moment I am sitting at my computer at battery boys. My legs are propped up on the counter and I’m taking it easy. I’ve got a pretty good life.

For my blog tonite I think I’m going to listen to the radio and write what I hear.

‘if love is a weakness I don’t wanna be strong’

New song…. She’s singing so fast it’s hard to write a whole line. I don’t really like this song…. Oh and I should warn you, I’m listening to the country station right now. HOT 93 – but it’s 92.9… I guess they’re into rounding up. Yeeehaw

So, what else is new? Ooo, yeah, the Hot 6 @ 6 is starting right now…

#6 George Strait – so far sounds like a nice sad song. (side note: I want the warm weather back… I’ve only got another week before my girlfriend leaves for the summer and I’d like to go outside with her. So next week had better be warm.) I think George is singing about heaven… maybe someone died and he’s talking about missing them and going to see them in heaven. Yeah, “see you on the other side, if I make it.” George, you don’t have to wonder if you’ll make it or not. If you love Jesus and give your life to him you can definitely go to heaven. And George, if you have any questions, lemme know.

#5 singer unknown so far – nice upbeat love song. I think it’s Emerson Drive. Pretty sure. I’m sometimes good at knowing artists. It’s an ok song. Nothing great. He’s got an ex stuck in his head. Na na na na na na na na na na. he can’t get her out of his heart. Na na na na na na na na na na (in case you’re wondering I counted the “na na’s” and there are 10 of them) I was wrong about the artist. It was some no-namer that I’ve never heard of. In fact, I already forget his name. I think it was Gary or something.

#4 Trick Pony – I wouldn’t listen to this song ever again if I had the choice. She’s singing about heartache. whoopidity doo. Who the heck voted for this song. Lame! It’s ok, I’m confident that #3 will come through for me. Are you as excited about this as me?

#3 Rascal Flatts – I was right. Great song!!! It’s their new one that I’ve just been hearing in the last couple of days. It’s not ‘God Bless the Broken Road’ (though that is a great song too). I’m not sure the title. I have the cd but I just know the songs by what # they are on the cd. This song is #5 and ever since I got the cd it’s been my favorite song. Yay, #3. k so let’s see if #2 can live up to #3… do you think it can?? Wow, I’m not quite as confident as you… let’s wait and listen… (while we wait I’m just going to check on the ball game… Jays are up 1-0 in the top of the 1st)

#2 Roadhammers – eh, not as good as the Rascals. I think the Roadhammers are a few country artists that have joined together for a separate project. I think this song is about being a trucker or something like that. Yeah, that’s it. It’s not bad, it might grow on me. Ooo, little guitar solo. Country music sure has evolved!

(you wanna know why I got into country? Well, I have never really HATED it and ever since moving to Saskatoon my feelings have continued to evolved. The main reason: Saskatoon radio stations suck C95 (the c stands for CRAP) and Rock 102 (the 102 stands for the # of good songs they play per year). obviously, Jamie’s love for country music helped push me in that direction but the brutal Saskatoon radio stations is the main reason)

#1 Are you ready for this?? I’m not sure who’s singing. It’s a guy. About a broken heart. The radio is his only friend. Like an old sad song but you just sing along, its something like a broken heart…… (sniffle sniffle) Hanna McEwan was the singer (I’ve never heard of that guy)

Come to think of it, it’s quite appropriate to be writing about country music. Last night at E-68 was FARMER NIGHT! We got dressed up as the biggest hicks you’ve ever seen in your life. It was quite fun. Brandon Crowe won the costume contest. He was great! For the leaders Sarah won. To vote the youth all cheered for who they thought should win. Sarah was a hot little red-neck!! Painted her teeth black and everything! Honorable mentioned to Glen. He was great. He even went outside and put dirt all over his arms, face, shirt, pants and hat. Yeah, he went all out.

Then I spoke about FAITH, cuz growing up on the farm you quickly learn that you’ll develop an ulcer if you don’t trust in something bigger than yourself. Dad has always trusted God to carry him through.

(great song on right now. I think it’s Diamond Rio – one believer)

I talked about how no matter what goes on in our lives God can carry us through. There’s so much uncertainty in farming and in every one of our lives and I have found that in putting my trust in Christ, I can live a much more peaceful life.

Someone once said that doubt is the ultimate act of atheism. Great thought. Faith is the belief in something intangible.

(Shania’s on now. DON’T)

I love not being in control of my life. It’s so much easier to say, “God I’m going to try to follow you in everything I do. You work out the details. Use me however you see fit” And you know what?? He always does. He never fails. I know that I’m nothing without God. And I’m ok with that. In fact, it’s perfect that way.


Blogger Jenna said...

Hey Kevin, I really enjoyed this blog. I have to admit i found it a lot more interesting than baseball but you can still write about baseball cuz im sure other ppl love it! I dont ever listen to country music but it isnt because i hate it...i dont really know why i dont listen to it but now i feel all updated and stuff on the country thanks for that!

9:15 PM

Blogger Faith said...

kieth urban... he is probebly the only country singer worth listening to.. oh and shania... thats right... I, Faith villeneuve, said shania twain...

11:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said... good when you're in the mood. A little Lonestar, a little Keith..and little Tim, or Faith, or Rascal. Good times. Can't listen to it all the time..but's just perfect. Like when you're driving on the highway sometime after midnight and there's like no traffic. Then it's perfect.
With that said, kev I didn't skim, I swear.

11:44 PM

Blogger normanvanashley said...

Kevy I think it is soo awesome that you are listening to country music!! I love that stuff! I fit in so well in Calgary, its like cowboy central, and you aren't considered a hick if you are! crazy eh? well I love country music! Last year I burnt a country cd and it didn't come out of my car all summer, everyone was getting sick of it... except me, I even burnt a copy of it for Jenna and Alyssa too so they could learn the songs and sing along with me... but i don't think they liked it as much as i did... i really liked it!

1:29 AM

Blogger hiya said...

Great blog Kevin...I was going to write about music the other day when I had nothing to write about...but not country music...not that I don't like it, just that I rarely listen to it...but it used to be my favorite...I'd phone in and try to request songs EVERY FREAKIN' NIGHT...I only got through once. But man I spent a lot of hours pushing the hang up button, then redial...hang up...redial....hang up...redial....I was pretty cool!!

1:59 PM

Blogger Scout said...

#6 comment
Paul Brandts New Song is Quite Delish if you don't mind me saying. girlfriend is leaving for the summer as well (not till may) but still...we can walk the lonely path together. By the lonely path I mean the one down by the besbouroughx (the x is silent)
where were you on wednesday...I don't know anyone at that meeting and feel quite dumb

2:36 AM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

Kevin me and you need to have a serious chat about what quality music really is.. I could go on about country for a long time.. about how brutal the lyrics and composition is, about how it is pretty much the only genre of music that has its own accent (if you dont count theory of a default nickelcreed), but I cant say I dislike it all, its just a lot harder to find country that is well done. In its defence though I do like a lot of rap that has the same pitfalls just because its "catchy".

2:20 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

Well Kevin I give you kudos because you were one of the first people who made me start listening to country music in the first place and now my car pretty much remains on Hot 93. Except in the morning because I really don't find those two funny. But I think I should put a sticker on my car.

Now you just need to learn how to two-step! Trust me, nothing is more fun than a great country song and a fabulous two step.

3:28 PM

Blogger Linoleum said...

kevin you ARE an interesting read ;)

2:09 AM


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