Wednesday, May 18, 2005


so much to write, so little time.

over the last week (i cant believe its been a week already... maybe if you'd leave a comment instead of just lurking i'd feel more inspired to write more often)

wed the 11th - Superhero night at E-68. great times. Carly had a wicked costume, as did Dalton! there were so many of the youth dressed up. it was craZy.

thurs the 12th - battery boys..... not much else

fri the 13th - worked at church didn't do much... Kerri and i kicked butt at Rook.

sat the 14th - battery boys moving day. visit us in front of the circle-8 mall beside JD Peppercorn's. But the real excitement of Saturday came at 5pm when i got to leave battery boys and head off to Winnipeg to see my beautiful Sarah. i got to the peg by 1:30 (lost an hour due to time change).

sun the 15th - Sarah and i went to Carman for church. good to be home. watched Garrett's baseball game. i love baseball.

mon the 16th - brunch with Sarah, went for a walk down by the forks (very beautiful. beautiful girl, beautiful place... how good is that??) later in the evening we went to the LINK. the LINK is the Young Adults service at Sarah's church. it was a great time. I hope and pray that our Young Adults will begin to get out of their complacent, passionless lives and live for something other than themselves... just a thought

tues the 17th - breakfast with Sarah and mom in headingly then headed back to sask where i was supposed to have a baseball game that got rained out. sucky deal for me.

today - got in a fairly major car accident. we'll see how that all plays out.

other random highlights - i had a cold for most of my time in Winnipeg. i think i'm almost over it. My parents are the greatest people alive. And i got to meet Sarah's parents, which went really well. I think that's all that's happened. Tonite we got jr youth. i'm going to talk about worship.

k, leave a comment. please?


Blogger Faith said...

car accident??? ouch, is every one ok?
I am very jelouse of you right now lol... the forks?!?!? I want to go to the forks!! lol, but I am glad some one went.

2:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
First question: are you okay after the accident? Does everything still work as it should?
I am glad you got to see your lovely Sarah. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I appreciate reading your blog. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me ponder. I feel somewhat like a voyeur reading blogs, but I feel like they are my window to the world outside of medicine, especially right now. So keep writing! I am sure that voyeurs everywhere are silently also enjoying your blogging!
Four exams down. Five to go. Nine days until freedom. I am getting ready for a royal butt whooping tomorrow--pathology, yikes. But this too shall pass and so shall I. Life is good.
My big excitment this week is I destroyed my bookshelf. It crapped out under the weight of my books (is that a statement on my academic year or what), and all of my books came tumbling into a heap onto my floor. So I took tore it apart in my kitchen and then hauled it out into the back alley, and now my books are sitting forelorn piles on my floor, like homeless orphans. Its really easy to move furniture when you dont care what happens to it.


6:55 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

You know what is funny, we have this shaw secure thing up on our computer, and it wouldn't let me go into your comments because it was "denied by parental control." haha i thought did someone write something horrible?! but no, i'm not really sure why, anyway i know the password so its all good. anyway sorry to hear about an accident. that is never good, so i hope everything is working out.

11:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please provide gory details of your major car accident.

12:19 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

hey psycho, its not funny. the lady might be hurt and its costing me a freaking tonne of money. BaCK OfF

12:20 PM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

good times in the peggerville.. car accidents are brutal, SGI is WAY more brutal, trust me dude... now this isnt a big rant or anything but im just throwing this out there.. you said you went to the young adult service at sarahs church which im sure was cool, but im wondering why that made you insinuate that we are so passionless and complacent by comparison? im not defending anyone or even myself but i can assume that it was a "really good service" that us pentecostals are so used to equating with a passion for Christ. I guess all im saying is that ive spent enough time in church to know that passion isnt something you can gauge by a service. just a thought.

11:47 PM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

and postscript, thats just a comment on what was wrote, not a disagreement or anything

11:50 PM


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