Thursday, June 23, 2005


Sarah, these two are for you

Andy is for Megan

Jenn wasn't pleased with Tom so Dwayne stepped in

Kristin, i know you didn't want a football player, but i used my discretion and got you a good one

Jennie likes Thomas

Kristy-Anne gets Steve

Faith + Jevon

i dont know Rylan, let me know how the date goes

why is it that everytime i blog my body aches.

1. my neck/upper back - stiff and kinked - probably from driving and not sleeping enuf
2. right forearm - road rash about 10 inches long, 2.5 inches wide - dove after a guy in last nite's ball game, landed on sand.
3. other assorted baseball injuries (right hip, right wrist!! etc) - we'll battle through

i dont really want to write anything else. why is battery boys so uninspiring... maybe i'll be back later in the day


Blogger Just Me said...

Sounds like you are in rough shape..guess that's the price you pay for playing a sport you love. Completely off topic, but I wanted to tell you that I have heard from some parents that the new 'junior youths' really enjoyed that thing you had for them last week. It's all they talk about...we think you are doing a fantabulously great job with those kids!! :)

12:50 PM

Blogger Jenna said...

i like your short and simple blogs

1:56 PM

Blogger Scout said...

win/tie/loss? Saturday Night? Or rain out? How did it go?

12:33 AM

Blogger Courtney said...

I think the title for this post should have been "my prayer list", ie. healing.

I'll pray for you anyways.

10:25 PM

Blogger Jenna said...

hey kevin
umm update your blog. thanks

11:06 PM

Blogger Faith said...

yeah, I think this is the longest I've ever seen his blog go un updated,lol

10:46 AM

Blogger Tyler said...

Holy cats Kev, I am so far behind in your blogs!!!! Its gonna take me forever to read all these, but you are my bud and I know you have awesome words, and I want to see whats tickin in your brain man!

Love ya Bud!

1:42 PM


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