Friday, July 22, 2005


I've had enough of my blogger slackerhood. hee hee - slackerhood. that's a funny word. and besides, yesterday's post was rather short. so i will proceed to talk about...... i haven't figured it out yet, but i will. just give me a second or two....

k so jenn commented on my last post about my brand spankin new haircut. PROLOGUE - my hair has never been long (grade 6 brought about a slight mullet - i had nice little curls) and it's never been short either. always just normal guy hair length. well, when i went and visited Jamie on Wednesday his wife was getting her hair colored by Kerrilynn and so Jamie, Tyson, the baby, and me were just chillin and Jamie wanted to give me a haircut. So instead of thinking myself out of it i told him that it's probably like the 60 foot cliff i jumped off of. just don't think about it - do it. (i think Nike is smiling somewhere right now) So i did it. Jamie made good use of Kerrilynn's clipper and the rest is history. Jamie is going to email me the pics so i can show you the process and so you can see my head in case you don't see me on a regular basis.

But it kinda got me thinking... It's good to be around people who inspire you to step out of normalcy. We can get in ruts and become so boring. But i'm glad i didn't think about it. My life needs to consist of less contemplation and more action. Who cares if you make a couple of mistakes. Better to have lived fully and made a few mistakes than to just think yourself to death and never do anything. i've got friends like that and that mindset frustrates the crap out of me. Don't complain about your life and the descisions you have to make if don't really want to do anything about it. The descisions eventually just pass right by and they're left standing exactly where they were in the first place.

Wow that rant kinda had a mind of its own - kinda took off on me...

Well, i guess i'll 'bid the mob good-day'. If you can guess what movie that quote is from... you'll get a freaking fantastic prize. But i pretty much guarantee no one will get it


Blogger kristin janzen said...

the man from snowy river

good blog kevin.

3:06 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

how the crap did you know that?????

3:18 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

muwahahahahah. i am extremely smart. oh i amaze myself.

3:59 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

"how the crap"...interesting phrase, really...I say it all of the time...but have you ever thought about it?? Did Kristin consult her crap before answering, are you saying she has crap for brains, are you saying that crap has intelligence...hee hee hee...

4:54 PM

Blogger Tyler said...

Yea man its good to take chances, this one girl i met this summer inspires me to do more, she wants to jump out of a plane! Its cool to live life to the fullest!


6:06 PM


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