Tuesday, July 12, 2005

back in black...

or anything else by AC DC.

Disclaimer: I am here by obligation only........

Come to think of it, that's the way we come to God sometimes. Hear me out. Sometimes we dont feel like spending time with Jesus, or doing the 'right' thing, but we do it anyways cuz we know in our head that we should. We trust that when our head knows something our heart will be following... hopefully sooner than later.

so, hopefully i will want to blog someday, but until then, i will do it because Jenna asked me nicely to update my blog...

the truth is that i have been away for much of the last 3 weeks. I was in Manitoba sometime in the middle of June, came back for a bit, then i've been at camp.

This last week was jr teen camp. i just happen to be the director. what a great powertrip opportunity. but alas, i will mostly supress that desire in order to have the best camp. And it was great! almost 60 kids, great staff (most of them), and great people surrounding me. The best thing i can do as a leader is to surround myself with people that will make me look good. and for the most part i was able to do that. and that allows me to relax and not have to be so crazy busy with everything.

our baseball team is sucking. we're not consistant, we're losing close games, and the commitment level of the guys is causing the problems. say a prayer for the Rockies. The playoff are still within reach but we really need to step up.

I wanna be like all those other cool people, so if you leave me a comment i'll tell you which pro athlete i'd set you up on a date with... and i'll add pics too... ooo wouldn't that be fun?!?


Blogger Just Me said...

Finally!!! been wondering if you fell off the face of the planet or something...saw you and your jr youth playing ginormous soccer yesterday at the 'Elim Field'...looked like fun. Good to hear that camp went well...hope to come next year and help out (just have to get the kids to the grandparents for that :)

9:55 AM

Blogger Scout said...

we won last night 16-3 or soemthing. I was 4-5...whew...

11:14 AM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

kevin - set me up with someone hot and preferably black and not a football player. yes please.

or i guess you could use your own discretion, as this is YOUR blog not mine. i just thought i'd help you along.

you are going to regret this comment thing, as i regretted mine after the 300th comment was made.

12:03 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

this should be interesting... what have i gotten myself into??

Jenn - let's see... i think Tim is a great guy, but just for pretend... i think i remember you having a crush on Tom Brady... i think that could work out well for you

Thomas - since you're the first guy - you get the cream of the crop - Jennie Finch

Kristin - I looked up a few hot black guys for you... you can have Michael Vick. He's the MAN!!! heck, i'd date him.

Megan - i'd be lying if i said i was sure i knew your 'type'. I think you and Andy Roddick would be good together.

Let me know how you guys like your new boyfriends/girlfriend

10:04 AM

Blogger Kevin said...

k, kristy anne was super hard. but i think i found the man. Steve Yzerman is a champion in every sense of the word. he's one of the classiest men in sports and he's good looking

2:40 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

i am ever so pleased with your choice of michael vick, he is about the hottest of hot. bravo well done! you sure know how to pick 'em!!!!

6:13 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

Kev, my guy is OK...but if was going to do things over (which I shall do through your blogger set-ups) I would like someone black, please???

1:35 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

k Jenn, he's a younger man, but i think you'll like Dwayne Wade. so if any of you ladies would like to take Mr Brady, he is available

2:45 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

Yep, I'll take him...thanks for being a part of my fake "do-over"!!

3:07 PM

Blogger Rylan Schultz said...

ahah Id just like to say that preferring a race is almost the same as racism.........shame on you.... lets not discriminate here people, lets be open to all races... for myself i take what i can get, my heart is colorblind..... with that being said, You got anything that comes in black for me Kev?

6:59 PM

Blogger Faith said...

lol this is how the blogg world should be

9:51 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

you people work me too hard. its a good thing i've got lots of spare time at batteryboys

firstly SARAH - it's a good thing i'm working with adam today cuz he knows his soccer players. seeing as you're so freaking hot i figured you needed a couple of boys on your date. so with david beckham you can take cristiano ronaldo. it can be your own version of elimidate

Rylan - have you got any idea how hard it is to find hot black women athletes??!? i mean, there's probably lots of them, but i dont really know many female athletes to begin with. so i found a girl that seems pretty cool with a reallly cool name - swin cash. she plays for the Detroit Shock of the WNBA

and Faith - this guy is super cool. 'the freak' Jevon Kearse of the Philadelphia Eagles

12:30 PM

Blogger Faith said...

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10:31 PM

Blogger Faith said...

jevon kearse...not bad, personally I would have gone for the hockey player type.

12:30 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

hey i need the info before i start matchmaking!!!

7:39 PM

Blogger Tyler said...

Ok dude who would you match up with the Haymaker???

Look what you got into! Haha!

1:47 PM


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