Thursday, September 15, 2005


k so i guess i am nearly done blogging. reason: most of my blogging time has been here at battery boys. and now my battery boy time is coming to a close. that's right. i have been hired at the church as the interim children's pastor. so on top of my jr youth i'll be overseeing the kids. with that taking up my time and being financially compensating i can afford to quit here. so it's good for me. although i will miss you... but who knows, i'll probably stop in once in a while.

goodnight i love you have a good sleep


Blogger tmosh said...

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7:53 PM

Blogger tmosh said...

i must say i am shocked & saddened that you won't be a bboy any longer or that you aren't going to be blogging...kudos to you on taking on kids ministry! psycho. maybe that will fuel your blog.

i had to delete the first one as the spelling errors were atrocious...

7:58 PM

Blogger Faith said...

Thats kool that you will be taking on the kids ministry at the church, ha not that I accually go there much, but thats good to hear anyway, but that sux about the whole not blogging anymore

11:43 PM

Blogger doodlebugmom said...

Good luck to you! The kids are little sponges, give them lots of good stuff to "soak up"

Our church has the most amazing youth pastor, she is good for us old folks too! She was in a terrible car accident last winter. Now we call her our own little miracle.

Thanks for stopping in at my blog.

8:24 AM

Blogger ladyyvonne said...

Congrats...that is what our son Jeff would like to do...He is at Vanguard this fall and is loving it. Elim is a GRRRReat church. We were VERY involved there. I was church secretary there, taught SS, started a Senior's ministry, sang in choir & an ensemble. My husband did custodian work in the old Elim and he taught New Converts, sang in choir, TV ensemble. We were great friends of the pastors ... guess I know why ... we worked hard for no $$ pay but we learned lots about ministry. Have fun...enjoy those kids. I met a girl I taught in SS years ago last summer. She remembered me & had just come across a gift I had given her when she was 6 yr old. Imagine that! Now she is a mom & has 4 kids!!!! Now that makes me very old.

10:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janzen..sad to hear it but life will go on I'm sure. Good luck workin' with Angie..I'll pray that God will give you patience in spades..hahaha Well seeing as you wont be bloggin' feel free to check my blog or send me a four sentence email every now and then. I hear you're coming home soon. Lookin' forward to seeing you as you pass through on you way to wpg..haha

10:22 PM

Blogger Tyler said...

Gonna miss you buddie! Just like i miss the good old Griffy days... Tear...

Bye man

10:25 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

You'll be back, oh yes, you will be back...mwahahaha!!!

2:31 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

I am going to send hate "comment" mail everday until you writ a post...mwahahahahaha...

4:33 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

Kevin! Kevin! Post a blog, Kevin! The above comment was said in a yelly, comanding and slightly naggy voice!!

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol I agree, update your blogg now please

7:11 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

If you don't blog, I will volunteer to help with kids ministries.........and then not show up!!

1:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:47 PM

Blogger Faith said...

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12:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

saskatchewan green house

4:50 AM


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