Saturday, August 13, 2005

post BDA meeting

My name is Kevin, and i'm a bad driver.

That's how today started. i had to attend a 'bad drivers annonymous' meeting. but i really do think that i'm a changed man.... hmm, i think that after i left the meeting i sped on the way to work.... ok, so i'm mostly a changed man. it's like sanctification, give it time. but i will change. i need to. Mr. Bankstatment needs me to. therefore, i will change.

It was actually a decent class. Two weeks ago i recieved a letter in the mail informing me that i was required to attend a TRAFFIC SAFETY WORKSHOP. i kinda smirked to myself. i knew that sooner or later my time would come. and today it did. from 9:30-11:30 i was at the SGI claim center taking in the workshop. there were about 15 of us there, and most of them were completely boring. i tried to make whitty comments and lighten the mood but no dice, these people were mostly dead. I dont really get it. i mean, if you have to be there anyway, you'd might as well make the most of it and have a laugh or two.

Anyway, i got the low-down on how things work and learned that if i don't get caught for 3 whole years i can have a completely clean record. so i guess that's the goal. i would estimate that over the course of my driving life (8.5 years) i have probably spent between $3000-$4000. that, my friends, is insane. my mother has given me all the speeches about how much money i could've saved so spare me.

i say all that to say this, i will be good. just say a little prayer for me. i appreciate that.

Monday we're leaving for California so i guess the next time you'll get to read my junk will be on the 25th cuz that's the next time i work at battery boys.

**notice how there was not one mention of sports this entire blog**

Leave a nice comment telling me about a driving blunder that you have encountered. I will give each comment a rating and the winner will recieve a nice prize. I look forward to coming home to many comments. thanks pals


Blogger Faith said...

$3000-$4000!!! wow, I am sorry, but thats nuts lol, but hey I have had my moments to
for instance, when I was 7 in grade 2 at faraday school back in winnipeg, the fire dept. was having this demo thingy and they let us all go play in the fire truck, coarse I hopped in the front seat, and started pulling gear shifts, and pushing buttons and and tuning the wheel and stuff, and then all of a sudden the truck starts rolling forward, and before a fire fighter could pull me out and stop the truck, Bam! the truck hits right into the wall, lol.
I got into so much trouble, and the fire fighters yelled at me, and made me cry lol.

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice post ya crazy nutzo! I remember this one time I was driving with Dave and some new people from CPC we meet-a girl named Regan-a guy name Jamie & another guy,tall,dark hair,glasses- anyways we were out driving and this guy (who'll remain anonymous) starts hanging out the passanger side window yelling at some guy in a convertible. Next thing we know we are being pulled over by the C to to Oppers for reckless driving. Some wacko new friends we met!I also remember an other incident when I was the passenger in Mr Anonymous's car and ended up on the grass facing the very non-drive-up side of the CPC lobby....good times

12:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and if it makes you feel any better Kev - Grahams had to go to BDA's too, so now you guys are like, the same. : P

1:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every blog has its day
POST NO. 1: THE MEANING OF A BLOG ------ It's difficult to discern true emotion over the Internet, ... In a one-week span, he described in detail a 45-minute tour of Newport Beach's new Mormon temple and a 27-mile bicycle tour of Costa Mesa.
Great blog, keep up the good work! I will bookmark it and come back again soon.
I have a a card credit debt reduction site/blog that is related to card credit debt reduction stuff.
Check it out if you have time!

1:42 AM

Blogger Jenna said...

ok i dont fel like typing out a driving story....mostly because i dont have one but i will say WHAT IS WITH ANOYNOMOUS COMMENTERS WHO ARE TRYING TO SELL THEIR STUFF?????

9:08 PM

Blogger Faith said...

I know its driving me crazy!!

12:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bet you they are trying to sell stuff to you cause you had $3000-$4000 in your blog. They think you have moolah

9:15 PM

Blogger Tyler said...

Holy monkey! That a lot of money. I just got into a fender bender, it has been like 6 or 7 years since i got into a fender bender. The worst one i ever had was when i fell asleep and woke up in the ditch going 110 kms with the cruise on. It was winter, I hit the brakes, but the truck kept sliding in the snow and it hit a farm aproach road, i launched over that and the truck was completly off the ground. I landed on the other side as the 2 tanks in the back flew out and hit the side of the truck. It could have been much worse. All this because my boss refused to listen to me about the problems the pump for the tanks on the truck was having. So i was stressed all night and did't sleep even a minute, and thats while i fell alseep on the road. I got in huge trouble for the accident. He even had me take the truck with the pump and the tanks to a hydralucs specialist. They couldn't figure out the problem, so on my own I went and did what i knew would fix the pump with my own money, because when i offered a suggestion as to what might fix the pump he said no he refused to admit that my idea for fixing the pump could be right. But I was right, it worked and when I told him i fixed it he said big deal. In fact that pump still runs today on that truck and thast was 8 years ago. So this is turning into a blog, so I will quit.

6:45 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

well i think your promises for a grand prize may be null and void b/c i do remember winning "the man from snowey river" quote but receiving nada. NONE-THE-LESS i will enlighten you all with my horrible driving story:

after my innocent aspire being totalled by some a-hole on the street last summer, it was still okay to drive for a couple weeks till i had a new car. sgi had tied the hood down nice and tight for me, but apparently it wasn't good enough, and one day while driving on Circle dr to work, driving 80 km/hr, the hood flew up into my windshield. the fire guy ties it back up for me and i'm okay to go.

it gets worse.

a week later it is pouring rain and i am driving home on preston ave, going 50 km/hr. it is rush hour and preston is very busy. all of a sudden i hear that dreaded sound again and before i know it, my hood is flying OVER my windshield into the street and to who knows where... i am scared for my life that it has hit another car because it was so busy... so i get out and see that it is nowhere to be found... i go to get my cell phone to call daddy-o and find i have locked my keys in the car. now i am standing in the pouring rain w/ my keys and cell phone locked. NOBODY STOPPED TO HELP ME. i stood there for 15 minutes drenched before a man helped me out. he found my hood in the ditch and let me use his cell phone.

i got a new car soon after.

it was very scary.

i win.

10:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have to tell any stories can all be summed up in the simple fact that I have been driving standard for less than a month and I have done most of my "learning" and "practicing" while driving in rush-hour traffic to work. Embarassing stalls...angry honks...embarassed got it! Anyways...Kev i'm glad that you are finally straightening out and living your life for Jesus...cuz REAL Christians follow the laws of the government and dont spped and run lights. haha (Insert puky face) But yea..lets try to keep you alive for another 20 some odd years shall we?

11:53 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

wonderful stories everyone. if you haven't yet given me one, you've got till the 25th. that's when i will judge the stories and hand out the prize

2:15 PM

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11:03 AM


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