Saturday, July 23, 2005

music machine

back in the day i was a child. it's true, i wouldn't lie about something like that. back in my childhood my family attending the Mennonite church in Carman, Manitoba. In this church, to the left of the organ, there was a door. Behind this door was the church library. in this church library there were obviously some books, but more importantly, there was a vast supply of movies. One of these movies was entitled "the music machine". it was pretty much cooler than life. it was a cartoon and it had this machine that played music...... (i'm diggin into the ol' memory bank trying to remember...) if there was lots of love around the Music Machine would respond with beautiful music. if there was lots of hate around the Music Machine would play bad music and shut down. cuz one time the bad people from across the river stole the Music Machine to steal the joy from the good people (i wish i remembered their names). Anyway, enuf of this pointless childhood memory.

i say all of that as a prologue... Normally my time at battery boys is boring. the day just drags along. but today has been somewhat different, which is pleasantly surprising. Especially considering this is my 3rd full day in a row here at the store. I haven't worked 3 days in a row at battery boys in forever. so needless to say, i came to work today somewhat dreading the next hours. But i came to the computer with optimism. I emailed Sarah - a really nice email too. then i went to my friend Mr Google and did a search on BEAUTIFUL SOUL by a kid named Jesse McCartney. I ended up finding a site with all these music videos. and it's in a weird language but it's cool cuz i've been listening to music for the last few hours. i pulled out a Celine Dion classic and many other good tunes. I think Graham was a little embarrassed with me, but what can i say, the Power of Love was just too much to pass up. (I've got Nick Carter playing right now). most guys would hide the fact that they listen to Celine but Blaine Eagle and i are not ashamed! and besides, it's not as if i have her posters up in my room! (i've got the good charlotte song with the food costumes playing - i just wanna live - i like the pizza suit. i think i'd look good in the pizza suit)

So instead of being a really boring day, straining to find things to do, i have managed to be mildly entertained so far. and oh yeah, only 2 hours to go. that's exciting for me.

And how about them BOMBERS. lay the boots to the Allouettes last nite. i know it's only one win but seriously people, i think it could be the beginning of good things... oh and you cocky rider fans - i GUARANTEE that the Saskatchewan Roughriders will NEVER win a Grey Cup with Nealon Greene as their starting quarterback. there you go, i said it. peace out, leave a comment


Blogger Faith said...

Dude..Music Machine...Omg, I havent heard of that since I was like four lol, my sister used to get that for us at the public library back in winnipeg, crazy good movie.

10:17 PM

Blogger kristin janzen said...

i don't claim to be any sort of true football fan or anything like that... however after watching hundreds of football games over the past 4 years or so it has slowly evolved to be perhaps the most entertaining sport to me(hockey is right up there too... baseball is still a little slow for my taste). i have nothing to say about nealon greene, although you can't say he isn't doing that bad of a job so far this year besides the calgary fiasco saturday night. i'm pretty sure the boooo, 'scuze me blue bombers have only won ONE game so far this year, so i don't know what kind of a team it is that YOU are cheering for.

10:02 AM

Blogger Just Me said...

You would like Ethan's hat that he got from his's a Bombers hat (my dad has been a faithful fan for decades now)...Props to Kristin for being refreshingly intelligent with her commentary on sports (she is a girl after all... :)

10:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

BARB AND TIFFY...a classic
That goes back as far as your mullet did!!

3:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you embarrassed graham? way to go Kev! Good on ya! - in the words of some canadian tv personality

11:39 PM

Blogger Tyler said...

Hey man, I had the music machine record!!! It had like really good artwork right on the record and some Mr. Conductor and he had this red captins hat on man! Thanks for the memory!

6:11 PM


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