Thursday, August 25, 2005

black cars look better in the dark

k, we've all been waiting for this.... and the results are in...

but first i'm going to tell a few of my driving experiences.

- Back in November of 1996 i failed my drivers license test twice before i finally got it in January.
- One fall evening in the beautiful town of Carman i was driving my '88 Ponitac Tempest down mainstreet with Derek Eastveld. We were driving North heading to the Royal Bank. I was purposely driving too fast for the fun of it and knew that my brakes would stop me. well, the gravel on the shoulder of the street allowed me to slide forward, jump the curb and take out the railing right in front of the door. Derek quickly helped me lift the car up off the railing before we made our getaway.
- a couple of months later, probably in November of '97, C.R. and Rachel Mann and I were going to a town north of winnipeg... i forget the name. we were just getting ready to leave Carman but had to make one last errand. The snow was lightly falling; it was a very nice afternoon. we were in the parking lot, kinda behind the old mcc store turning between the credit union and the library, driving incredibly slow when my car found some ice and fresh snow and slide into a van. because we were on our way out of town for the weekend i left a note on the van explaining the situation and she ended up being nice about it. i still had to pay the deducible and all that crap.
- once in winter i hit the ditch with Derek's mom's car right in front of the Dunn's house. Jim was too drunk to come pull us out so we got someone else... gong show
- once garrett and i were driving dad's truck to camp, i looked down to adjust the stereo, looked up, and there was a dumb farmer gazing at fields, driving 30kms right in front of me. i swerved to avoided him but clipped his back bumper and almost swerved out of control. good thing i was driving the truck.
- yeah, then there's the stories tanys told. probably many more of those.

I think those are the main ones. i only bring up the past so that we can all (including me) learn from my mistakes. i now put this behind me in order to not have any more driving offenses. Lord, help me. He is able.

K, who won the story telling contest??? k here are the scores in order of appearance.

Faith and the Firetruck - great story Faith. the clincher is the fact that it all happenned in a firetruck. crazy stuff - 8.3

Tanys - i'm pretty sure you're lying... ok you're not. but it was regan's fault anyway. the coppers would've never stopped us if she wouldn't have tried to pull me in an swerve in the process - 7.4

Tyson - great story, i appreciate the effort - 7.2

Tyler - that may just be the craziest, longest comment in a long time. i'm just glad you're ok - 8.0

Kristin - i must say that you're story is one of the craziest of all times - something that is usually seen in the movies. But you made one mistake by discrediting my prize-giving asperations. and therefore you lost half of a point - 8.2 (i would've given a prize for the manfromsnowyriver deal too but when i asked how you knew that i didn't receive an answer. my game, my rules)

Megan - i remember the story and am glad you are alive, never mind pretty much unharmed. but i didn't see the picture so the impact wasn't quite as great for me... but you do recieve a point half point for being Sarah's best friend - 8.2

Therefore our winner is FAITH. congratulations!!! for your prize come to a battery boys location on a thursday between 5.30 and 8pm and i'll hook you up with something.

Coming soon - California Locamotion


Blogger Faith said...

lol yeah driving fir trucks when you are 7 is fun lol. those are some awsome driving stories.
battery boys hey, me and devin will go, lol.

3:12 PM

Blogger Just Me said...

Can't wait for California stories, Kev...

10:38 AM

Blogger ladyyvonne said...

Kevin...I'm Sonia's aunt. I read your blog about Carman and identify with each spot! I failed my first driver's test. I didn't see a stop sign that in my mind was covered by a tree branch. I didn't get a ticket till I was a Mom and driving through Churchbridge. I had my head turned looking at my then "little boys" and didn't see the sign to slow down to 40 ... I was on cruise. The officer pulled me over and gave me a $140 ticket and the boys balloons. Those were the most expensive balloons I ever paid for! Since zones have been a bit of an obstacle. Anyway...enjoy your blogs.

10:43 AM


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