Thursday, July 28, 2005

sports update

before we get going here... in response to Kristin's comment, somehow trying to match my sports intellect... What the crap were you thinking. Never Ever try to pull that stunt again!


now that that's off my chest... You may or may not have enjoyed the fact that i have posted quite infrequently about our baseball team. The main reason for that lies in the fact that our baseball team did not live up to our expectations. I could look back to my previous post in which i likely predicted good things for the Rockies. But no, unfortunately, such a fate was not ours. We battled through injuries and people not showing up when they were supposed to (Rod was our #2 pitcher last year and showed up to 1 game this year). we didn't have the same chemistry as last year's team. I'm alright with it though. The season is over. My body aches. in about 10 days i'll be healed up and i'm looking forward to that. in fact, i trust that tomorrow's massage will go a long way to that end. And next year the Rockies will likely be disbanded. I look forward to what next season will bring.


i know if you really wanted to know about this you'd go to a website or newspaper and look it up. but i dont really care, you're in my world now grandma.
The blue jays have been plagued by inconsistancy yet find themselves in the thick of the playoff race. How will things shake down for them? well, once again they will find themselves on the outside looking in. 3rd place in the AL east.
the Red Sox, White Sox, and A's will win their divisions leaving the Yankees, Angels and Twins battling for the Wild Card.
in the NL the Cards Braves and the Padres will win their divisions and i think the Astros will pull of another miracle comeback and win the Wild Card.

k bye

Saturday, July 23, 2005

music machine

back in the day i was a child. it's true, i wouldn't lie about something like that. back in my childhood my family attending the Mennonite church in Carman, Manitoba. In this church, to the left of the organ, there was a door. Behind this door was the church library. in this church library there were obviously some books, but more importantly, there was a vast supply of movies. One of these movies was entitled "the music machine". it was pretty much cooler than life. it was a cartoon and it had this machine that played music...... (i'm diggin into the ol' memory bank trying to remember...) if there was lots of love around the Music Machine would respond with beautiful music. if there was lots of hate around the Music Machine would play bad music and shut down. cuz one time the bad people from across the river stole the Music Machine to steal the joy from the good people (i wish i remembered their names). Anyway, enuf of this pointless childhood memory.

i say all of that as a prologue... Normally my time at battery boys is boring. the day just drags along. but today has been somewhat different, which is pleasantly surprising. Especially considering this is my 3rd full day in a row here at the store. I haven't worked 3 days in a row at battery boys in forever. so needless to say, i came to work today somewhat dreading the next hours. But i came to the computer with optimism. I emailed Sarah - a really nice email too. then i went to my friend Mr Google and did a search on BEAUTIFUL SOUL by a kid named Jesse McCartney. I ended up finding a site with all these music videos. and it's in a weird language but it's cool cuz i've been listening to music for the last few hours. i pulled out a Celine Dion classic and many other good tunes. I think Graham was a little embarrassed with me, but what can i say, the Power of Love was just too much to pass up. (I've got Nick Carter playing right now). most guys would hide the fact that they listen to Celine but Blaine Eagle and i are not ashamed! and besides, it's not as if i have her posters up in my room! (i've got the good charlotte song with the food costumes playing - i just wanna live - i like the pizza suit. i think i'd look good in the pizza suit)

So instead of being a really boring day, straining to find things to do, i have managed to be mildly entertained so far. and oh yeah, only 2 hours to go. that's exciting for me.

And how about them BOMBERS. lay the boots to the Allouettes last nite. i know it's only one win but seriously people, i think it could be the beginning of good things... oh and you cocky rider fans - i GUARANTEE that the Saskatchewan Roughriders will NEVER win a Grey Cup with Nealon Greene as their starting quarterback. there you go, i said it. peace out, leave a comment

Friday, July 22, 2005


I've had enough of my blogger slackerhood. hee hee - slackerhood. that's a funny word. and besides, yesterday's post was rather short. so i will proceed to talk about...... i haven't figured it out yet, but i will. just give me a second or two....

k so jenn commented on my last post about my brand spankin new haircut. PROLOGUE - my hair has never been long (grade 6 brought about a slight mullet - i had nice little curls) and it's never been short either. always just normal guy hair length. well, when i went and visited Jamie on Wednesday his wife was getting her hair colored by Kerrilynn and so Jamie, Tyson, the baby, and me were just chillin and Jamie wanted to give me a haircut. So instead of thinking myself out of it i told him that it's probably like the 60 foot cliff i jumped off of. just don't think about it - do it. (i think Nike is smiling somewhere right now) So i did it. Jamie made good use of Kerrilynn's clipper and the rest is history. Jamie is going to email me the pics so i can show you the process and so you can see my head in case you don't see me on a regular basis.

But it kinda got me thinking... It's good to be around people who inspire you to step out of normalcy. We can get in ruts and become so boring. But i'm glad i didn't think about it. My life needs to consist of less contemplation and more action. Who cares if you make a couple of mistakes. Better to have lived fully and made a few mistakes than to just think yourself to death and never do anything. i've got friends like that and that mindset frustrates the crap out of me. Don't complain about your life and the descisions you have to make if don't really want to do anything about it. The descisions eventually just pass right by and they're left standing exactly where they were in the first place.

Wow that rant kinda had a mind of its own - kinda took off on me...

Well, i guess i'll 'bid the mob good-day'. If you can guess what movie that quote is from... you'll get a freaking fantastic prize. But i pretty much guarantee no one will get it

Thursday, July 21, 2005


what is up? me, not much. nearly nothing. summer is a little bit of a slack time for me.... yet so busy at the same time. monday and tuesday we went camping with the grade 8's to celebrate their graduation from my little youth group. we went up to waskesiu for one night and had a grand ol' time. Jamie came for the afternoon on monday and then yesterday i went to the farm for the afternoon to see him. good times.

He is back in sask cuz his bro and sister in law had a baby a few weeks ago and they needed to come out for that. I'm glad i got to see them.

Apparently we won our ball game the other night. if we win every game we might have a shot at the playoffs. this guy isn't holding his breath.

Sarah, please come visit me

thanks everyone for the great fun we had with our little matchmaking extravaganza. you're great people, you really are

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

back in black...

or anything else by AC DC.

Disclaimer: I am here by obligation only........

Come to think of it, that's the way we come to God sometimes. Hear me out. Sometimes we dont feel like spending time with Jesus, or doing the 'right' thing, but we do it anyways cuz we know in our head that we should. We trust that when our head knows something our heart will be following... hopefully sooner than later.

so, hopefully i will want to blog someday, but until then, i will do it because Jenna asked me nicely to update my blog...

the truth is that i have been away for much of the last 3 weeks. I was in Manitoba sometime in the middle of June, came back for a bit, then i've been at camp.

This last week was jr teen camp. i just happen to be the director. what a great powertrip opportunity. but alas, i will mostly supress that desire in order to have the best camp. And it was great! almost 60 kids, great staff (most of them), and great people surrounding me. The best thing i can do as a leader is to surround myself with people that will make me look good. and for the most part i was able to do that. and that allows me to relax and not have to be so crazy busy with everything.

our baseball team is sucking. we're not consistant, we're losing close games, and the commitment level of the guys is causing the problems. say a prayer for the Rockies. The playoff are still within reach but we really need to step up.

I wanna be like all those other cool people, so if you leave me a comment i'll tell you which pro athlete i'd set you up on a date with... and i'll add pics too... ooo wouldn't that be fun?!?