Thursday, June 23, 2005


Sarah, these two are for you

Andy is for Megan

Jenn wasn't pleased with Tom so Dwayne stepped in

Kristin, i know you didn't want a football player, but i used my discretion and got you a good one

Jennie likes Thomas

Kristy-Anne gets Steve

Faith + Jevon

i dont know Rylan, let me know how the date goes

why is it that everytime i blog my body aches.

1. my neck/upper back - stiff and kinked - probably from driving and not sleeping enuf
2. right forearm - road rash about 10 inches long, 2.5 inches wide - dove after a guy in last nite's ball game, landed on sand.
3. other assorted baseball injuries (right hip, right wrist!! etc) - we'll battle through

i dont really want to write anything else. why is battery boys so uninspiring... maybe i'll be back later in the day

Saturday, June 18, 2005

if i had to pick one of the seven dwarfs to represent me, it'd be Sleepy. This whole week has been rough for me. I guess i'm not getting a tonne of sleep, but it should be enuf to keep me going...

Thursday my body was really screwed up. I was working at Battery Boys with an incredible headache. Really disturbing... and since it was so slow, and we had 3 people, i went home early. i popped a few pills and laid the ol' body down on the couch. 5:30 rolled around and i dragged myself off the couch to get ready for baseball. Finally as we warmed up for the game i didnt notice my head throbbing. Top of the 1st - no problem - 3 up, 3 down. Bottom of 1st - I made the line-up card and put myself at the leadoff spot (Daniel has been struggling at the plate so we dropped him down for a few games. I'm sure he'll turn it around in no time.) First pitch, curveball in for a strike... not a bad pitch. Second pitch, oh no sucker, you can't throw that twice in a row... I hit a bomb to the right-center gap (no fence at Deif 2) and got myself a nice little home run to lead off the game....

Well, my body did not seem to like running hard for 360 feet. it was like all the energy in my body. it's kinda hard to explain. that hasn't really happenned to me... except for a few years ago. Me and another guy were coaching the Pee Wee boys baseball team. They were awesome (ended up losing in the semi-finals of the provincials). One day, at the end of practice, Miles (the head coach), 18 years old, decides to challenge the boys to a race. each of the boys would have a run around the bases while Miles and i would have to go every other time. by the end of that run i had to lay on the grass for a long time. then i sat in a van nearly motionless for about an hour before i regained my strength.... i even puked that time, right in front of my friends. and then Holly started laughing at me... but she felt bad after....

ok, so enuf of the rabbit trail. we won the game 14-4. Then we played again last night. It looked intensly like it was going to rain. but i told God that i really wanted to play and asked if the rain could wait a bit. God is super rad. Though the wind was going at about 800kms/hr it didnt rain until the game was just over. We won 9-1. i went 2-for-3. Not a bad outting. Not that you care, but i'm now batting .636 (in case you have no idea what that means, its good)

Father's Day

I've decided that it's really important for me to be home for Father's Day.... ok so i just wanna see Sarah and this time just fit with my baseball sked. But Father's Day will be a nice bonus. It feels like forever since i've seen Sarah. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day....... Back in Sask on Wednesday. Until then my friends,

Monday, June 13, 2005

it was me

I am pleased to say that Saturday night went very well. I pulled off a decent costume... As i was at my house watching baseball, already dressed up, i found myself looking in the mirror and laughing. The only thing i wish i had was suspenders. That woulda been great. Everyone there had great costumes and played their characters very well. i really appreciated Dave Mosher's moustache. pimpin'.

So it turns out that I killed Rock N. Roley. Together with Dave and Regan's character, I came up with the plan to kill him. See, the love of my life died in my senior year and i blamed Rocky. Besides, any plot had to include me, cuz i'm the freaking genius. Who else could pull it off?? Dave Block and Tanys Mosher's character's also had a plot to take his life, but i beat them to it. Kerrilynn Block was Rocky's ex and mother of his child so she didn't want him dead. Lynnel's character - who was actually a man - didn't want him dead either. And Kristy-Anne's character was working another case for the FBI but indirectly aided the murder....

Yeah, it was good fun. I really like those games - how all the characters are interconnected and there's so many twists. Even i didn't know that i was the murderer. I had a little hunch, and knew that i was capable and had the motive, but even i didn't see the method coming.

Until the next time i kill, this is Calvin Q. Layder, signing off

Saturday, June 11, 2005


alright, there's 1/2 an hour left of work. just enough time to say, there's not enuf time to blog... but then i bring myself to the realization that it must be done. there is something to be written that must be written by me. k so that's lame. but last nite i got less than four hours of sleep and my head is throbbing. in less than an hour i'll be drugged up laying on my couch watching the Jays and Astros. Roger is on the hill for the 'Stroes. should be fun to watch.

k, so later tonight we're having this murder mystery thinger. I'm so glad i was invited. i love them.. k, i've only been in one, that was a couple of years ago at the Glubish's. this one too is there... come to think of it, Regan was the killer last time, and she'll be there...... there's no way she'll get away this time.... mwahahaha. My character is Calvin the geek. i think it was type-casting. full report to come next week

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

monday night raw

Monday night we had the most lop-sided baseball games that i've ever been apart of... that i can remember. We play against the Cardinals - a young team that usually plays a good game against us. we beat them 20-1. ouch. i kinda felt bad for them. But i had fun... i like winning. i went to for three again with a single, triple, i was hit by a pitch, walked, scored three run and a couple RBI's i think. For some reason i'm seeing the ball really well. i like baseball.

Thomas came out and went 2-for-2 with a few defensive gems. kudos Thomas.

Below you may have seen what i have entitled the "E-68 reading guide". I have found that my Junior Youthers do not read their bibles. Pretty much none of them do. that's dumb. How the heck are they going to be serving the Lord down the road if they don't start with some fundamentals now??? (yes i know its possible, quit antagonizing). So i've mapped out the next 5 weeks for them and i'll give it to them a week at a time. now we'll see if it changes anything. if you too have problems reading the word feel free to use the guide. it's nothing special, i just want my youth to not be dumb Christians, cuz Jesus knows we've got lots of those in our churches.

k bye


Wednesday June 15 – Matthew 2: 13-23

Thursday June 16 – Genesis 2: 4-18

Friday June 17 – Genesis 2: 19-25

Saturday June 18 – James 1: 19-27

Sunday June 19 – Psalm 4

Monday June 20 – Luke 2: 41-52

Tuesday June 21 – Psalm 5

Wednesday June 22 – Genesis 3: 1-13

Thursday June 23 – Genesis 3: 14-24

Friday June 24 – Psalm 6

Saturday June 25 – Matthew 3: 1-11

Sunday June 26 – Matthew 3: 13- 4:1

Monday June 27 – James 2:1-13

Tuesday June 28 – Psalm 7

Wednesday June 29 – Genesis 4: 1-12

Thursday June 30 – Matthew 4: 1-11

Friday July 1 – Psalm 8

Saturday July 2 – James 2: 14-26

Sunday July 3 – Genesis 6: 5-22

Monday July 4 – Matthew 4: 18-25

Tuesday July 5 – Psalm 9

Wednesday July 6 – Genesis 7: 1-16

Thursday July 7 – Genesis 7: 17 – 8:5

Friday July 8 – Genesis 8: 6-22

Saturday July 9 – Matthew 5: 1-12

Sunday July 10 – Psalm 10

Monday July 11 – James 3: 1-12

Tuesday July 12 – Psalm 11

Wednesday June 8 - Judges 3: 12-27

Thursday June 9 - Matthew 1: 18-25

Friday June 10 - James 1: 1-8

Saturday June 11 - Psalm 1 (it's only 6 verses)

Sunday June 12 - Matthew 2: 1-12

Monday June 13 - Genesis 1: 1 - 2: 3 (it's seems a little bit long bit it'll be quick)

Tuesday June 14 - Psalm 3

Thursday, June 02, 2005

the desert a good thing?

As i promised, here is what i learned at YC in Edmonton last weekend. Mike Pilavachi was the main speaker. He was absolutely great. He is a great story teller and the youth really enjoyed him. Saturday night he talked from the book of Matthew, chapters 3 & 4. The message was about being empowered by the Spirit of God. He showed that throughout the book of Matthew, Jesus lived a life that was marked by the moving of the Spirit. So what happened prior to that?

Well, at the end of chapter 3 Jesus was baptized and the Spirit of God descended on Him. He was then led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted. 40 days he went without food and was tempted by the devil himself, and all of that was by the leading of the Holy Spirit…. Hmmm.

So often we assume that any ‘desert’ that we go through is an attack, or punishment, or something that we need to correct in our lives. But God leads us through those times to shape us and test us to see how we come out on the other side.

It’s the ‘desert’ times, and not the good times, that will ultimately define who we are. In those times we will either desperately seek God out, or we will wander aimlessly and wake up lost… hmm, I think I’ve seen that before.

rocky start

Tuesday was our first baseball game. We lost. We made lost of errors. I did too. My body aches… well, mostly my legs. Don’t worry, I’ll get in good shape soon…. Hopefully. I did go 2-for-3 with two singles and two runs scored. Not a bad start. And even better than that is I felt like I saw the ball really well.

For those of you that aren’t into baseball you may not get that. But baseball is a very mental sport. It’s all about confidence. When you’re “feelin’ it” the ball looks bigger, easier to field, everything is a little more effortless. BUT, when you’re not “feelin’ it” it’s like a pit you can’t get out of. Yeah, it’s tough.

i love jr youth

E-68 last night… was good. I think last night we played the most dangerous game I’ve ever facilitated in my entire life. But it was Kenny’s idea. The youth were divided into 3 teams. They duct taped one team member to their table and then had to carry the table upside-down outside, around the volleyball court and then back to the gym. During the race I kept thinking to myself that I was a really big moron and I just hoped that no kids would get dropped or smashed or anything like that…. Definitely a little bit of a nervous time….