Monday, February 28, 2005

not much to say today....

Seeing as it's my day off, I'm going to try to keep that them with this post. I'm taking a break from writing about crap that's too serious. man, what was i on last week??? Saturday night we had our final game of the regular season in our church hockey league. We played against Elim, which is always a fun game. Both of our teams are near the top of the league and knowing most of the guys creates a great rivalry. Well, we hammered them. We laid the boots to them. It felt good to be quite honest with you.
I stop that story for one reason. I realize that the majority of my readers, for whatever reason, are girls (at least the comments would suggest that) and don't give a rip about my hockey exploits. So that's all i will write for now. But when baseball season rolls around, don't think you're not going to hear about the ROCKIES. I think it's going to be a good year for our ball team. I can't wait! I've been waiting for baseball season since September. And we only finished in August. I often thanks God for baseball.
Well friends, i once again thank those of you for leaving comments. To Andy and Matthew, who were first time comment-leavers, thanks so much! And to you faithful few, i also appreciate you. I trust this day will bring happiness and a greater knowledge of the One who created and loves you. OUT.

Saturday, February 26, 2005


sometimes some people think too much. we miss out on life cuz we overanalyze every little freaking tiny detail of a decision that doesn't really matter. Our brains are crazy little things! My brain was thinking last night. i lay in bed wanting to sleep but my brain was thinking. and not just fluffy tired stuff, it was thinking quite deeply. it came to tell me about REALITY. I think that none of us here on earth actually have an accurate picture of reality. Our minds take in our lives and the world around us and interpret it to make up our version of reality. It's our reality, but it's not true reality. so each of us have our own little version of reality but none of us have it totally there. This applies to religion, morality, relationships, and many other things. our perceptions and misconceptions skew reality.
so i guess the goal is to keep ourselves as close to actual reality and to not let our minds misconstrue or overthink things and get us outta wack. i dont know if this makes any sense. everything is contextual and in the context of my simple mind it makes sense, and i could probably elaborate to help it make more sense but now is neither the time nor the place. I dont know. i'm lost sometimes. but don't worry, i'm ok.
if you read this blog you need to publish a comment or i will hunt you down
I laugh cuz all my blogs are totally alllll over the place and probably hard to follow at times. but they're just as much for me as they are for you anyway so shove it. haha, that's my new favorite saying. so i guess that's my version of reality for saturday, feb 26, 2005.... i think....

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Great Lion

I have this one young man in my youth group that's probably smarter than me. Actually most of them are smarter than me. But this dude goes to skool for above average kids. Anyway, he has a rad family and i was there for supper one nite and we were checking out his room and i saw the Chronicles of Narnia there. He has all 7 books in one freaking huge book. incredibly i know. It's almost 800 pages. So he told me that since i had never been so fortunate, i should borrow the book. I am excited to say that i am loving it. Not McDonald's (though i just ate lunch there with other jr youth). The books - they rock. I know i shoulda read them about 15 years ago but i didn't. And now i am.
So for those of you who have yet to read them i'm going to let you to my world. C.S. Lewis is the author and the books are about a magical land called Narnia. My favorite character is named Aslan - the beautiful, terrifying, magical, and awesome lion. Lewis portrays Aslan with a lot of the characteristics that we would attribute to God and it's just soo darn cool how he brings them into the books. I want to tell you about all of them but i just don't want this blog to be too long and frankly i think you should read the books yourself. I'm definitely buying them for my children, when that fine day come that i do in fact have children.
Just know that i love Jesus and i think it's cool how Lewis uses a lion named Aslan in a children's fantasy book to illustrate what Jesus means to him. I can't wait to finish all the books.
k, that's today's episode of who want to.... i got nothing...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

E-68 Rocks!

I really like Jr Youth! It's a very confusing and awkward age. Jr Youth are often incredibly mean. I've noticed that in a group they will identify the weakest member and in their best british voice they'll say, "you are the weakest link, goodbye". (man, did that show flop!) no they don't actually say that but they do take the weakest kid and step on them and push them lower, all in an attempt to secure that they're not the lowest. It's survival of the fittest. It's cruel and very painful. The weak kids learn how to pretend. They become so good at pretending that they eventually have no idea who they are. They're so used to being whoever they're supposed to be, or who they think their 'friends' will think is cool. those stupid 'friends'.
Even last nite at Jr youth there was a group of girls that decided they wanted certain girls in their group, thus giving their stamp of approval on those girls while painfully rejecting the others. Who the heck said that their stamp of approval meant anything. Who cares what you think? am i being harsh on a bunch of 13 year old girls. maybe. but i hate it.
(I need to make sure that in my own circle of friends im not acting in hypocrisy. Lord help me.)
But i really do love Jr Youth. There are some challenges (as cited above) but there are so many good things. They're not yet 'too cool for skool'. They'll play nearly any game and though it's rare, they do actually listen sometimes. They also idolize 'cool' authorities in their life, which is good for me cuz i need to learn to live up to that responsibility.
k, so i started with not knowing what to write and lookee here, i've got a whole long blog. that's what i know this thursday! all my love....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pimp My Scooter

Once a month, on the last Tuesday of the month, the senior citizens of Elim Tabernacle gather together for fellowship, a service, and then lunch. Those of us on staff look forward to these days, mostly because Marion cooks an awesome meal. And being on my own I cherish the few good meals i eat in a month. All we do is help a few of the seniors with their plates, serve coffee and tea and then we 'go to town' on the buffet line. It's quite a good deal.
One one such Tuesday, while we were waiting for the service to end, we (by we i'm not totally sure who was all there. Probably Glen, Shawn, Barry, and I) were eyeing up all the scooters and walkers that line the church hallway. So we decided that we were going to pitch a new concept to MTV. And there came the birth of a brand new evolution in television... "Pimp My Scooter". We'd have to find someone old and famous to host it. Maybe James Garner. He's cool. And so darn romantic in that movie.... oh yeah, the Notebook. How could i forget??!?
So next time you see an old person flying around on a pimped out scooter, ponder those 3 little words, Pimp My Scooter...

PS... Just a note regarding the hockey blog i wrote the other day... (by the way, Kristin, i agree that the word 'blog' sucks and i try to avoid using it) ... So i don't hate hockey. I merely hate the NHL. Hockey can be a beautiful thing. Within the NHL however, hockey is not beautiful. It is diluted and boring. Nearly every sport, NHL and MLB specifically, would benefit from losing about 10 teams. The mediocre athletes would be relegated to the minor leagues where they belong. By the way, If any of you mediocre NHLer's read this our team is going into the playoffs in a couple of weeks and could use your help. gimme a call!

that's what i know today. i'm done

patience, obedience, yellow and blessing

It's a good morning today. I am feeling quite rejuvenated after a mostly quiet weekend. Before this weekend i don't really remember my last 'day off' - a day that carried absolutely no responsibilities. But Friday and Monday i was treated to a couple of such days. I like.
Once in a while i decide that i should read the entire Bible in a year. SIDENOTE: Christians dont know anything about what they believe or about the bible and that's one of my pet peeves. Therefore, reading the Bible is not something to be commended for; it's something that we'll be crippled without. So much more i could rant but i wanna stay on topic. So at the moment i am reading in Leviticus and i just started Revelation. i know i should start at the beginning but i don't wanna and i dont have to if i don't wanna. Reading Leviticus and Numbers and such can be quite boring at times. But I've been learning some great things. God's ways are sooo backwards sometimes. Actually, nearly all the time. It's talking about how the Israelites were supposed to farm the land for 6 years and then take a year off. But what'll they eat that 7th year???? God promised that not only would they be taken care of but that the 6th year would produce 3-fold. Does that make sense. Not to this guy. But that's the way God works! When we obey the stuff that doesn't make sense He'll take care of the rest.
So that kinda fits totally with what i've been learning with work. I asked rick if i could take mondays off just so i'm not working 7 days a week. Can i afford it? probably not. But the real question is, 'can i afford not to???!?' I know that i will be better off if i give a day back to Jesus and rest. That's what i'm learning anyway....
Another thing i'm learning is patience. But that's something that i'm learning the hard way! I hate it. I hate being patient. Someone told me that i'm a control freak. I didn't really know that. i think these things are related, but i'll be figuring that out sometime.
k, so that's all i know for now. and FYI my heart gets very happy when i get to read your lovely comments. So Sarah, Jenna, Kristin and Amanda - Thanks

Saturday, February 19, 2005

2 minutes for interference

I know by writing twice in one day - actually twice in a matter of an hour or so - I risk overkill. I'll probably be really pumped about all of this for a week or so and then totally die off. Who the heck knows? I don't.
So I know that I go against nearly every Canadian in this beautiful country, but I really don't want the NHL to come back this year. With great disdain I have watched Canadian sports channels report on the Lock-out as if it's the only news out there.... I cringe. And now it'll get worse!
A message to baseball - I love you. I will always love you and never cheat on you. I may check out the other sports on occasion but you are my one true love. Very soon we will once again be together. What a day that will be....
FYI MLB training camps are underway... PTL

Bandwagon jumping and other thoughts

Load me up. I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon but here i am. i'm not totally sure why, but sometimes i think i'm a good writer. once in a while i try to be funny. i never used to be a good writer.... or maybe i was but my hike skool english marks sure didn't show it. i struggled to say the least.
The other reason this whole blogging thing might be fun and good for me is, i like to journal my thoughts about Jesus and stuff like that. And i often have really good thoughts. But i only journal once a month or so, and that's just not good enuf. So maybe here i will find the opportunity to do some of that.... although my most private-est thoughts will not make it here... so i guess i will have to continue the other journal thinger... just more often.
K, so that's all for now.