Saturday, April 30, 2005

money money money

i hate money. i hate having it, making decisions about it, but mostly worrying about it. i know that i need to trust God to deal with my money but sometimes it's hard. I owe the government money for student loans. i owe my parents money because i need it sometimes and they always come through for me. They often give me gifts but i'd rather it be a loan so i don't feel quite so much like a deadbeat.

I know that God looks after me every month. i know that He has been faithful in the past and will continue to do so. but sometimes i know stuff but i just forget and think of how i'll deal with it on my own terms. not good.

I love how God always works backwards in our standards. the less i worry about something and leave it to God the better it'll turn out. the weaker i am, the more God has a chance to display His strength in me. For me it's a daily reminder. i always forget that stuff and far too easily try to take stuff on my own. i gotsta continually hand it over to God and remind myself that none of this is about me, but it's all about HIM. that's refreshing to be reminded of that sometimes.

Whatever you're dealing with, give it to God. Don't deal with it in your own strength. Abandon your pride. John 3:30 .... less of me, more of Jesus... On your own you will fail EVERYTIME, but with Jesus you'll be alright.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

less than splendid

What do I know today? Come to think of it… what do I know any day? This is what I know. I’m getting to be early, getting lots of sleep, and I’m incredibly tired. What the heck is going on? Kenyan Joe only sleeps 3 or 4 hours a night and he seems to have lots of energy. He says the reason I’m tired is cuz I’m white. I bet that if we did a study we’d find that whiteys are lazier than most other people around the world. Joe’s a good guy.

What’s with the freaking cold weather?? I’m not enjoying it. Are you? Likely not. Bring on the summer. The other day we were supposed to have baseball practice and I was foolish enuf to think that it wasn’t that cold. Many others on the team were not as foolish as I. Daniel, Tyson, and Ronnie all showed up too. After only about 10 minutes of throwing we decided that it was insanity. Dan wanted to pitch a bit and Tyson has never faced a baseball curve ball so I strapped on the gear and Dan pitched to me and Tyson took a few swings. By the looks of it we may have 7 guys who can pitch this year. That’s pretty freaking good if you ask me. Now we just need to develop those arms and give them all a chance to throw as often as possible. That’s quite hard when you only play a couple of games a week.

So after a little while Dan looked pretty good and we were all so cold so Tyson had us over to sit in his hot tub for a bit. That’s the way to go. I want a hot tub someday. If any of you want to buy me one, let me know at we’ll make arrangements.

I miss my girlfriend. She’s been gone for a few days. Sarah, come visit me please…. Thanks.

About the comments… I didn’t necessarily want that last blog to get 20 comments. I merely want a blog someday to receive 20 comments. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it? That’s why whenever I read someone’s blog I comment on it. Even if it’s a lame comment, at least they know I appreciate them and I was there. That’s what it’s all about. I just wanna know you’re here.

Tomorrow I move in with Matthew and Phil as the Eagles are taking flight… hehe. Kristin is off to Prague and Blaine and Anne are off to Romania. I’m looking forward to 12 days chillin’ with the boys. It should be a great time. Party time on Nesslin Crescent. Maybe this will prepare me for fatherhood. Not that that’s going to happen any time soon, but still. I do want to have a family within the next decade.
K, I’m done. Leave a comment and have a great life.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

nine will do. i can't wait to blog tomorrow. it'll be splendid

Saturday, April 23, 2005

head hung in shame

what the crap is wrong with me friends It’s been nearly forever since I saw you last… I am terribly sorry. My guess is that with Sarah gone tomorrow (sniffle sniffle) I will have time for stuff like this. So I guess lets hope that I get back on the wagon with a little bit more consistency. But in all fairness to me, Thursday I tried to post but blogger was down for maintenance or some crap like that.

I would like to say a big ‘thanks’ to some of you. Receiving 11 comments (none of which were mine or repeats) is a beautiful thing. My next goal is to surpass 20. if some of you lurkers would quit your lurking and leave me a comment we wouldn’t have to worry about that now would we.

I need to wash my car. Sometimes I do and then it rains right away. This time I held off cuz it was supposed to rain and then it didn’t. you just can’t win!

The Last Nine Days

I think there was a band called nine days. Or their cd was called nine days. They were a one hit wonder either way. If anyone can tell me their details they’ll win a prize.

K, so I can’t really think back to what has happened in the last nine days. I’m really tired right now. I even had a coffee this morning. I hate coffee.

It all started….. I don’t know, I guess we’ll go back to yesterday afternoon. I was trying to nap when Glen disturbed me and I could not get back to sleep. I needed a nap cuz I knew last nite would be late. It was CPC grad all day and nite. The ceremonies were not as boring as I thought/remembered they’d be. I went home, watched baseball, got changed into my suit and picked up Sarah for the banquet. She, of course, looked amazing. Sometimes I’m just privileged to walk beside her…. (that’d be a good line for a country song or something like that.) anyway, the night concluded with the after-grad party at the Lawson Heights church. I think I got to bed around 2:30 or something. I’m an old man so that’s late when I have to work in the morning. So this morning I thought I’d treat myself to a McDonald’s breakfast. Mmmm mmmm, I really do enjoy those sausage mcmuffins.

I hate this cuz I told myself I didn’t wanna have lame blogs. I really enjoyed my country music blog. But this one sucks and I didn’t wanna have sucky blogs anymore. I’m so sorry that you have to wait 9 freaking days for this. Maybe this afternoon I’ll be able to come up with some better inspiration and come through for you. Until the next time, Keep fit and have fun! - who said it, 500 points to the first person with the answer.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

coming soon.........

i guess it wasn't as soon as i thought...... maybe tomorrow

Thursday, April 14, 2005

country music

At the moment I am sitting at my computer at battery boys. My legs are propped up on the counter and I’m taking it easy. I’ve got a pretty good life.

For my blog tonite I think I’m going to listen to the radio and write what I hear.

‘if love is a weakness I don’t wanna be strong’

New song…. She’s singing so fast it’s hard to write a whole line. I don’t really like this song…. Oh and I should warn you, I’m listening to the country station right now. HOT 93 – but it’s 92.9… I guess they’re into rounding up. Yeeehaw

So, what else is new? Ooo, yeah, the Hot 6 @ 6 is starting right now…

#6 George Strait – so far sounds like a nice sad song. (side note: I want the warm weather back… I’ve only got another week before my girlfriend leaves for the summer and I’d like to go outside with her. So next week had better be warm.) I think George is singing about heaven… maybe someone died and he’s talking about missing them and going to see them in heaven. Yeah, “see you on the other side, if I make it.” George, you don’t have to wonder if you’ll make it or not. If you love Jesus and give your life to him you can definitely go to heaven. And George, if you have any questions, lemme know.

#5 singer unknown so far – nice upbeat love song. I think it’s Emerson Drive. Pretty sure. I’m sometimes good at knowing artists. It’s an ok song. Nothing great. He’s got an ex stuck in his head. Na na na na na na na na na na. he can’t get her out of his heart. Na na na na na na na na na na (in case you’re wondering I counted the “na na’s” and there are 10 of them) I was wrong about the artist. It was some no-namer that I’ve never heard of. In fact, I already forget his name. I think it was Gary or something.

#4 Trick Pony – I wouldn’t listen to this song ever again if I had the choice. She’s singing about heartache. whoopidity doo. Who the heck voted for this song. Lame! It’s ok, I’m confident that #3 will come through for me. Are you as excited about this as me?

#3 Rascal Flatts – I was right. Great song!!! It’s their new one that I’ve just been hearing in the last couple of days. It’s not ‘God Bless the Broken Road’ (though that is a great song too). I’m not sure the title. I have the cd but I just know the songs by what # they are on the cd. This song is #5 and ever since I got the cd it’s been my favorite song. Yay, #3. k so let’s see if #2 can live up to #3… do you think it can?? Wow, I’m not quite as confident as you… let’s wait and listen… (while we wait I’m just going to check on the ball game… Jays are up 1-0 in the top of the 1st)

#2 Roadhammers – eh, not as good as the Rascals. I think the Roadhammers are a few country artists that have joined together for a separate project. I think this song is about being a trucker or something like that. Yeah, that’s it. It’s not bad, it might grow on me. Ooo, little guitar solo. Country music sure has evolved!

(you wanna know why I got into country? Well, I have never really HATED it and ever since moving to Saskatoon my feelings have continued to evolved. The main reason: Saskatoon radio stations suck C95 (the c stands for CRAP) and Rock 102 (the 102 stands for the # of good songs they play per year). obviously, Jamie’s love for country music helped push me in that direction but the brutal Saskatoon radio stations is the main reason)

#1 Are you ready for this?? I’m not sure who’s singing. It’s a guy. About a broken heart. The radio is his only friend. Like an old sad song but you just sing along, its something like a broken heart…… (sniffle sniffle) Hanna McEwan was the singer (I’ve never heard of that guy)

Come to think of it, it’s quite appropriate to be writing about country music. Last night at E-68 was FARMER NIGHT! We got dressed up as the biggest hicks you’ve ever seen in your life. It was quite fun. Brandon Crowe won the costume contest. He was great! For the leaders Sarah won. To vote the youth all cheered for who they thought should win. Sarah was a hot little red-neck!! Painted her teeth black and everything! Honorable mentioned to Glen. He was great. He even went outside and put dirt all over his arms, face, shirt, pants and hat. Yeah, he went all out.

Then I spoke about FAITH, cuz growing up on the farm you quickly learn that you’ll develop an ulcer if you don’t trust in something bigger than yourself. Dad has always trusted God to carry him through.

(great song on right now. I think it’s Diamond Rio – one believer)

I talked about how no matter what goes on in our lives God can carry us through. There’s so much uncertainty in farming and in every one of our lives and I have found that in putting my trust in Christ, I can live a much more peaceful life.

Someone once said that doubt is the ultimate act of atheism. Great thought. Faith is the belief in something intangible.

(Shania’s on now. DON’T)

I love not being in control of my life. It’s so much easier to say, “God I’m going to try to follow you in everything I do. You work out the details. Use me however you see fit” And you know what?? He always does. He never fails. I know that I’m nothing without God. And I’m ok with that. In fact, it’s perfect that way.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

warning: only baseball

Reoccurring theme as I check peoples’ blogs… a lot of us have been dormant for a period of time. For me it’s the first time I’ve such a long hiatus. Does it feel good to be back in the saddle? No, not particularly.

We had baseball practice last night. It was only the first one so only a few guys showed up. But we had enuf to run an infield. I took grounders at 3rd base. I was joking around that I’ve gotta find my back-up position. I’ve got catching down pat but if there’s a situation where I need to give the ol’ legs a rest, or someone else wants a shot at the title, I then need another position. I have played outfield before, but yesterday 3rd base fit quite nicely. The only problem is that we seem to have quite a few infielders. Oh well that’s ok cuz the only way I wouldn’t play catcher is if the game is out of hand. I love baseball (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that before…) I think I’m ready for a career-year. I’m going to bat over .375 with 2 home runs and throw out 10 base-stealers. Yeah, that’d be a good year.

I know some of you really don’t care about my baseball but really I don’t have much else to say. Sometimes life feels really busy and overwhelming. Now is one of those times. I’m sure it’ll all be fine in the morning. Tomorrow’s battery boys day so i’ll write something worth reading tomorrow

Thursday, April 07, 2005

out of hibernation

Rocky IV – the Kev notes:

Rocky III is better than IV. I watch IV wednesday nite and was mad that the other guy died (I don’t wanna give the name so people that haven’t seen it don’t get mad. And I didn’t like that they started cheering for Rocky at the end. Lame… But Rocky was as ripped as ever.

E-68 Wednesday nite:

FEAR FACTOR night. Who woulda thought that jr high students love gross stuff soooo much. 45 kids showed up. Everything from live crickets and goldfish to sardines, licking feet and everything in between. If any of you ever wanna do fear factor get ideas from Erin, she’s great. If you can think of people who would love to get involved in volunteer youth ministry let me know…. Another thing you can inform me on… I don’t love battery boys so if you know of a flexible part-time job opportunity let me know. Thanks.

Message to the ladies:

warm weather = less clothes = perverts come out of hibernation. nope, not the bears, the perverts... You wouldn’t believe how many men I’ve heard today (thurs) welcoming the warm weather and the beautiful girls. I was actually in awe of what I was hearing. I mean, I knew men were pigs, but I didn’t realize it was to that extent. Yep, the perverts are out in full force. Sometimes girls think we tell them to dress modestly for our good, so we don’t ‘stumble’… but today my word is, for your own good, unless you enjoy the gaze of the pervert, to dress somewhat modestly. Word to the wise: respectable guys think that modestly dressed women are way more attractive than the chicks that show off their whole body…

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

taking a walk.... and ROCKY III

My head hurts. Sarah and I went for a walk and we made our way to the Holliston skool where we found a swing set. Swings make me dizzy. I went realllllly high. There was this really cute kid there with his dad. His dad was pushing him. he was talking to Sarah and I and man was he cool. He turns 5 on the day after tomorrow. We said happy birthday and he said thanks. I hope I get to be his friend someday.

Rocky III might be the best one so far. Haven’t made it to IV yet. Carter got mad that I got so in depth and gave away the endings of the others so I won’t this time. From a critic’s standpoint it sucked. Rocky was a totally different character than the other two. You may remember me commenting that Rocky was socially slow. Well in Rocky III he’s brighter and all around smarter. That’s ok if he went to etiquette skool, but that’s not in the script… But Rocky III was way more entertaining and Mr. T was in it. How can you go wrong with Mr T?? you can’t!

Well, that’s what I’ve got today. Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength. If you truly do that your life will be dramatically altered. And you who don’t think it would change much need to re-think that and give your head a shake.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

the 1st E flame has been extinguished

we lost. friday nite we played a great game against the breakers. fairly fast-paced (for church league), physical, nice goals and some big saves... neither team ever led by more than one goal. it was just a good game all around. i scored a nice goal. thanks to jeremy pexa for the nice pass! i wanted revenge on BBI but i guess that'll have to wait till next year. 3rd place overall in the league isn't that bad hey? considering last year we were the first team to be eliminated...

this is my shortest blog ever. i hope you're ok with that

20.5 hours till Jays season starts. you know where i'll be at that moment.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Rocky II - kev notes

So judging from your lack of commenting, I guess the Rocky notes were not popular amongst you folk. Well, you should’ve at least left a negative comment saying you never wanted to hear about Rocky again cuz I sure didn’t learn my lesson.

Rocky and Adrian got married. Yay. Rocky got an endorsement deal, spent lots of money, but then sucked at acting (he’s a little slow). So he needed money. Works at the gym. Adrian gets her job at the pet store back…. Whoa, Adrian’s pregnant!

Meanwhile, back in the hood, (no not really the hood, I just felt like writing that) Apollo Creed is getting hate mail cuz they thought the match was fixed. Lots more hate mail. Apollo wants a rematch but Rocky is retired and Adrian likes it like that. Even if they’re not rich, she’d rather have Rocky not lose his brain. Finally, Apollo puts an ad in the paper calling Rocky the Italian Chicken. Rocky doesn’t like that. Nope not at all. So, against the will of Adrian, Rocky agrees to fight. Apollo’s talking trash like nobody’s business, saying he’ll knock Rocky out in two rounds.

Rocky trains lots. Adrian delivers the baby premature and enters into a coma. Uh-oh. Rocky blames himself, quits training. Eventually Adrian wakes up and makes one request… BEAT HIM! Rocky’s eyes light up. Lots more training, running up the steps again to the good music. In the training, Mac (or whoever the trainer is) tells him to box right handed to mess with Apollo. At the trainer’s signal he’s switch to left and really throw Apollo for a loop. During the match it didn’t seem to mess Apollo up at all as Rocky got tuned for most of the match. Apollo beat him like a rented mule. Through 14 rounds Apollo had the decision in nearly all of them. All he needed to do was stay standing and he’d win. But he thought he needed to knock Rocky out. So he attacked Rocky and Rocky fought back. With every ounce of strength he fought back. Rocky punched him or something and both of them were on the mat. By the count of 8 Rocky finally climbed back to his feet and Apollo collapsed. The impossible had happened!!! Rocky was the champ.

K, so I really thought the kev notes for Rocky II were going to be a lot shorter but it doesn’t really appear so. Maybe I’ll watch Rocky III tonite. Then I’ll find that line that Angie was talking about.

Happy Birthday Amanda (it was yesterday but I didn’t blog yesterday and therefore did not have the opportunity to say so yesterday).