Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rocky - the kev notes

Disclaimer: the only reason i'm blogging about this is cuz Rylan told me i should.... peer pressure wins again

Sunday, March 20, 2005, Lloydminster AB

Angie - "i pity the foo, i pity the foo......" she then tries to find the spot in Rocky III where Mr. T says that. I then devulge that i have not yet seen the Rocky movies. I mean, i've seen a few minutes when they've been on TBS but that's about it. well, Sarah and Angie insist that i have to watch them. So i tell Angie that I'm taking her tapes. sucka.

So Sunday Sarah and I proceeded to watch ROCKY. Throughout the first hour and 45 minutes Sarah kept apologizing cuz it was so slow. I thought it was alright. (As long as I’m watching it with does it really matter how slow it is?)

The story begins as Rocky Balboa is boxing some bum in Philly. Rocky’s a nobody, just a simple man, not too bright… He has a crush on Adrian. She works at a pet store. She’s shy. Her brother says she’s retarded. But Rocky likes her. They go out on a date on Thanksgiving after Adrian’s jerk-of-a-brother throws the turkey outside. Wow, those sparks are flying.

Meanwhile, there is a man named Apollo Creed. Not like the band creed, different. K, Apollo Creed is the best boxer on the planet. He’s the man. He was supposed to box a guy but he got sick or something… I don’t really remember, maybe I was holding Sarah’s hand at that time… Anyway, they need to find someone to fight Apollo (I think by now we all know where this story is heading). All the main contenders are busy that weekend or something and so they decide, in an act of true patriotism, to give a no-namer a shot at Apollo. A name jumps out to Mr. Creed; “the Italian Stallion” – Rocky Balboa. More story, more story, more story, blah blah… It’s the Ultimate David vs Goliath. Rocky’s just a bum that throws hard and is left-handed. Apollo has not only never lost but no one has ever lasted an entire match with him.

Lots of training, running, eating raw eggs, running up the stairs with the classic Rocky music….

Rocky ends up taking the beating of his life and surprises everyone by going toe-to-toe with the best boxer in the world. The match goes all 15 rounds and Apollo wins a split decision. A great moral victory… ADRIAN, ADRIAN!! He just keeps yelling it. I think he loves her or something. Then she finally gets to the ring and tells him she loves him. Yay… they love each other.

It was good… actually it won the Oscar for Best Picture that year. So obviously some of the critics liked it too.

In a way, we’re all a little like Rocky. We’re just struggling to keep our head above water. We don’t really realize how simple-minded we are and then we get a break. We have the decision to make, are we going to remain the same or are we going to let fame change us. I say we should all be like Rocky….. ok so I read into that analogy too much.

But the real lesson to learn is: respect your enemy but respect yourself more… or something

My favorite part of the movie… I think there was a good part with about ½ an hour left of so. Yeah, that was the best part. 2nd best part was the running up the stairs with the Rocky music.

countdown - 97.5 hours

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

professor plum with the rope in the conservatory

Why am I tired? I guess I didn’t sleep too well last nite. And then 7am rolls around much too quickly.

The other day as I was picking Sarah up from CPC, some of the students were engaging in a ‘murder mystery’ night. It’s cool. You each get characters and someone killed someone and you have to try to figure out who it is… Jenn knew right at the beginning that she was the killer which kinda sucks. In the one I was in, no one knew until the very last scene who the killer was – not even the killer herself. We just were given little clues along the way and got to accuse each other and defend ourselves and play our characters. It was great fun. I think it was Kristy-Anne and Jenna that were in charge of that night. Regan was the killer. But that was a while ago. I’d like to do one again if someone would like to help me towards that end.

I got a call from Kevin Frazer today. He’s the guy in charge my baseball team. You know what that means right? Yep, ball season is right around the corner. I told him to book a gym for the team to get together and start throwing. So good. If any of you know any decent ball players let me know. The Rockies are going to win it all this year.

Blue Jays countdown – 120.75 hours till the first pitch of ‘05

Monday, March 28, 2005


another Easter has come and gone. It seems so anti-climatical. if life was like 8th street, easter barely would have been one of the infinite amount of pot-hole interupting my drive. say it isn't so kevin, say it isn't so. I guess most religious holidays have become so anti-climatical over the years. all the confusion of the traditions crowding our little heads till we don't even know what we're celebrating. Amidst the materialism of Christmas, there is still some kind of pause... a time-out to hear the message of Christmas. But this Easter recieved no such pause....

Jesus, thanks for dying for me. Sorry for treating you with such contempt at times. I'm sorry that the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs steal the attention from you. that sucks. Most of all thanks for conquering death and sin and giving me freedom.

Saturday after work i headed to Lloydminster. Two reasons: Sarah and Kenny. It was a good time. 13 people got baptized at the Lloyd church yesterday. that's pretty darn good if you ask me.

K, i don't really have much to say right so I'm going to pause and celebrate Easter for the next 5 minutes... it's 5 minutes more than most people celebrated...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Rob Lagrove Profile

Rob Lagrove. You need to learn about ol’ bobby boucher. That’s what I called him sometimes. Rob is a great man. I can honestly say there is no one like him – not even close. I met him in the fall of ’98 as we both started bible skool. He was from Brockville, Ontario and had previously attended Eastern Pentecostal Bible College (it’s called something else now). I think he had been kicked out once or twice from that college. (man, I love him).

So when Rob came to us he had a girlfriend back home – Cindy. Oh, so many stories about Rob and Cindy that could be told. ‘teddy bear out the window’, ‘five-minute warning’, and ‘quiet time’ are just some of the Robert Lagrove/Cindy Osmond stories that could be told.

He eventually broke up with Cindy and proceeded to break the hearts of other CPC girls. The thing is, Rob isn’t the most attractive man, but for some reason the ladies liked him. Rob is one of the most kind-hearted guys I’ve ever met. He’d bend over backwards and give you the shirt off his back if it’d help. My favorite shirt of his is the one he wore under his dress shirts. It was a tight white t-shirt that’s cut off below his pectorals (or man-boobs). Seeing him in that shirt made me laugh everytime. We were roommates for 3 months and we had cool red bunkbeds. Rob was on the bottom and I got the top. There was one month where Robbie was so sick… we called him Sirus the Virus (like on the movie Con Air. John Malcovich is awesome). Jamie was sure I was going to get sick too but I managed to stay healthy.

Rob is now married to Tracy and I had the honor of being a groomsman at his wedding. I do love him dearly!

Just over a week till opening day

that's a kick

Remember when I posted about the crazies coming out on full moon. Though it wasn’t a full moon that day, it was last nite and if my first customer is any indication of what the day is going to be like then look out.

I didn’t win bowling. I got spanked. The taunting was fun, but woulda been better if I was slightly competitive. Eh well, we’ll get ‘em next time.

So what can I talk about today… It’s hard to have something witty/creative to write so often. I mean, I’m a fairly creative, maybe averagely (I’m thinking that’s not a word) creative.

Watched the Incredibles again last nite. Good show. see it. Amelia had rented Finding Neverland… I was bold enuf to say I thought it looked lame. Maybe it’s not… maybe she’ll really like it. But I don’t know. Sometimes you see the trailer for a movie and you think that you’d rather stab yourself with a blunt object than see a movie. Or kick yourself in the groin. That’s a popular saying for me. Someone remarked that it would be quite impossible to kick yourself in the groin. I disagreed with him and demonstrated that I could very nearly kick myself in the groin. Neither of us, however, was willing to give it the ol’ college try for real. That would just be plain stupid. I don’t know, any thoughts on whether that’s possible. (if you’re wondering the technique I was using, there really is only one way to do it. Just bring your heel straight up)

So far “crazy-man” is the only one to enter the store so far. 6.5 hours to go... uh oh, a crazy lady is now here and Graham is dealing with her as i am smiling... haha SUCKA

Thursday, March 24, 2005

E-68 last nite

Last nite we had E-68 Service. Once a month we have a worship service with music and the word and all that cool stuff. Sarah led the music for me and did a great job. What a catch! :)

The title of my message was "Jesus is my Imaginary Friend". The fact that i even had a little is quite an accomplishment for me. i usually know approximately what to say but don't know what to call it. Yesterday was the opposite. I had the title in my mind and a little of what i wanted to share, but didn't have a whole lot until about 2:30. It was such a crazy busy day but ended up great.

So the premise of my little talk was that often people treat God as if he's just an imaginary friend. they talk to him (or ask him for stuff) when they need him. but if we say we love Jesus we gotsta make him our #1 priority. i had a lot of fun interacting with the youth. They're great.

After the message we broke into our small groups where the leaders got to pray and talk with the kids. 2 gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time. that's sooo rad-mobile (scott eastveld said it first). Hey Thomas, one of them was Brayden! sweet hey?

Jordan Redpath is one of the funniest people i know. His mind is truly twisted.

Going bowling tonite, going to test out the taunting.... Have a great Easter everyone! Remember that the price Jesus paid was for you! That's what i know!

goin' down momma's boy

Over the last little while I have noticed that when engaged in an activity I have made a conscious effort to taunt my opponent. In fact, I have found that this makes things more competitive and therefore more enjoyable.

For instance, this last weekend at encounter we decided that a riveting game of floor hockey was in order. Someone piped up that we should play boys vs the girls. I know the girls are superior athletes so to even the teams I volunteered to play for the girls so I wouldn’t bring down the boys’ team. I proceeded to call on the boys’ team, especially Glen and Tyson. Though they ended up winning, I sure had fun taunting. It just puts more on the line. And yeah, maybe in the end I look like a donkey (insert synonym here), but if someone’s going to look like a donkey I’m ok if it’s me. At least everyone else had just a little more fun.

In a couple of hours I’m going to talk about jr youth last nite. It was a good one

Monday, March 21, 2005

hockey and heros

i was just posting a comment on Jenna's blog about 10 seconds ago and that comment gave me inspiration for today... on second thought, you can wait till tomorrow. I've got enough unfinished business from last week: hockey and heros...

Hockey: We lost friday nite 4-3. It was a decent game, but you could really tell we hadn't played in 2 weeks. we were down 3-0 before i had played 2 shifts (my line didn't give up any goals). BBI was very chippy and those boys need to get an attitude adjustment. and if i wasn't such a wuss, i'd be happy to provide it. So now we take another weekend off and come back April 1 for the B-side final against either the Breakers or the Wolfpack (i know i said Elim or Wolfpack but i was wrong... yeah i admitted it, i was wrong). The Breakers and Wolfpack played Saturday night and i'm not sure who won. But we play the winner. Then, the winner of the April 1st game moves on to play BBI in the final. Whoever plays them has to beat them twice in order to capture the church league title. I think we've got what it takes to do it but only the Father, Son and Holy Spirit really know what'll happen.

Heros: I believe that there are different degrees of hero-ness... (would -ness be the right suffix... or would it be -ship or -ism.... It's definitely -ism). K, different degrees of heroism... Lots of people will make an impact on your life, some will make a huge difference and others will make a smaller, yet just as valuable contribution. So in light of that i will give you some people that i admire (in no particular order).

Mom - Our friends have always called her SUPER-MOM. I think that's probably the best way to describe it. She has managed to raise (and often spoil) 5 kids and (now 7 with the recent addition of Amanda and Caleigh to our family). We've turned out to be really good kids and i believe momma has a lot to do with that. She's way too kind-hearted and giving, but i don't think she'd have it any other way.

Dad - I admire my father. In a world in which men are way to proud and self-sufficient, Dad i willing to admit that he's not perfect and doesn't have every answer. He's so dependable and because of that is often taken for granted. He's a man of strong conviction and the type of man that you'd want to go to war with because you know he'd die for you.

Charles Roberts - In my first year of Bible College Chucky lived across the hall with his brother Peter. In my 2nd year he was the student council president. Those two years were very formidable years in my life and i totally looked up to Charles. He's a man of integrity but not legalistic. He's kind but not a push-over. He's humble, yet so confident. He taught me a lot and i'm sure that somewhere down the line we'll have to opportunity to work together.

Bill Kowalski - Bill was the associate pastor at IPC when i interned in the summer of 2000. He is a man full of wisdom and the Word of God.

Anne Eagle - I admire Anne cuz.... well, she's one of the nicest people in the world. I know that no one is perfect but she's a good one. She will always be my favorite ex's mom. there's so much more i could say but i guess i won't.

Brian Glubish - He was my favorite prof at bible skool. I admire the way the Word was real and alive to him. Almost every class was a personal challenge in my walk with Christ.

Jamie, Regan, Rob, Kenny, and many other people have been great friends and made an impact on my life.

All the best to the missions team from Carman MB heading out to Mexico tomorrow. I'll be praying for you!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

not a happy camper

i just had a great blog today about all sorts of stuff. Man i wish it would have worked. I so disappointed i need to take a break to recover from this disappointment. i think a pizza pop will help with that. no, not a real pizza pop - a pizza buster, from superstore....

Man, do these pizza busters excite me! I can’t wait for them to cool off and then I can dig my little teeth into them…

Last night at Jr Youth Vince and Evan told me to come to their hockey game, but regretfully I told them that I had to work till 8 and wouldn’t be able to come. But I talked to Graham and he’s going to come in tonite. So I’ll be able to go to their game!

Jamie called me last nite and left a message on the ol’ answering machine. So I called him back and we had just a wonderful conversation. He’s going to be the youth pastor at the Nazarene church in Penticton. (I had articulated it so much better in my original blog). I love him

Yeah, out of rebellion I’m not going to try to re-write what I had written earlier. It was about my heros. Sorry, if you really wanna know ask me in person

Mmm those were good pizza busters

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

hockey update

it was great to hear about your heros. Tomorrow i'll be at Battery Boys so i'll have plenty of time to give you some of mine.

But today is going to be about hockey. I know that many of you are probably wondering why there's been so much time since your last update. Well, because of our last victory, we got a buy into the Semi-finals which aren't until this friday. Therefore we haven't played in a while so there hasn't been much to update. But this Friday night, at the Schroh arena, we will see who will advance to the church league finals. Our opponent - BBI (Bethany Bible Institute... although they're really BC, Bethany College). BC will provide a very touch challenge. Elim will be playing against the Wolfpack in the B-side semi-finals. The winner of that game will play against the loser of our game in the B-side final. The winner of that game will then play the winner of our friday nite's game. It's really not that complicated. But I hope we can pull out a big win this week. Stay tuned

ps. Sonia informed me that the full moon is actually next week so i'm not sure why all the crazies were out the other day

Monday, March 14, 2005


do remember that cereal? I dont remember what it tasted like, but just by the name i think i liked it. i think the best cereal theme song would have to be frosted flakes... Just Show 'Em You're A Tiger, Show 'Em What You Can Do......... Man, what a great song... Bring out the Tiger in me! cool! But seriously, Tony the Tiger has distracted me from what i really wanted to write about.

Kristy-Anne had a really good blog. After many days of suspense she finally revealed her hero - her parents. bonne choix (not sure if that's correct francais). So, my question to you... who's your hero? Do a serious one and a funny one if you want...

Me? You wanna know who my hero is? Well, i've got lots. My mom and dad, Jose Canseco... no wait, not him... um, hero status is something that should not just be thrown around. I will have to think about this one and get back to you... i didn't expect this to require so much thought.

I look forward to hearing who your heros are. thanks for being in my life

full moon is out

I've heard some people say that the full-moon brings out all the weird people. Actually 'people' haven't said that. Richard Dyck did though. (technically his name could be Dick Dyck. That'd be crazy). Anyway, Richard is some kinda of bank manager at the Credit Union in Carman MB. At least he used to be. He probably still is but i just don't know. Back many years ago i did my hike skool 'day at work' (or something like that) with Richard at the credit union. He said that when the full-moon is out the crazy people come into the bank. Well i dont think it's a full-moon out these days, but the crazy people have been coming to battery boys in droves today. (thinking about some of the wackos) Man, there have been quite a few crazy wackos in today. Thankfully, Rick has handled the last couple. He's a good man.

I bet that when you read my title you thought this was going to be about someone's bum... sorry to disappoint. if i were still in Bible College I'm sure i could come up with a funny story... yeah there are lots of good Bible College 'bum' stories. None of which, however, will make it here today. once again, sorry to disappoint.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

3rd time's a charm?

K, I’ve written 2 blogs already today… both of them have been deleted somewhere in the process. Needless to say, it’s a little frustrating. So I guess you’ll get the abbreviated version cuz I really don’t wanna write all I had written before. Wait a minute... they did work... now i've gotta edit this one so there's no repeat... and now you'll get two blogs today!!!

K, I thought it’d be cool to look at my journal and give you a few excerpts… usually you have to wait for a guy to die for such a privilege but not you. So let’s see if I can find something brilliant that you brilliant readers might find…. uh, brilliant…

Sept.22/04 – truth is the main thing that stands between Jesus and those that don’t love him. If they really had a glimpse of truth, life would be dramatically different… any thoughts?

Sept.26/04 – never ever “fall in line”. Don’t settle for the status quo. Pay the price…

Nov.23/04 – “may I risk the appearance of pain for the sake of love” - that's good

I think that’s all we’ll do for today. I’m getting hungry… I think I’ll go to Queeeeznos (right Sarah) for lunch… Thanks for reading

if you're driving an automatic, you're merely steering - Tyler Hay

i know it seems like it would be a crappy day - its snowing, cold, i'm not in my bed, at work, without enuf sleep. But for some reason, it's a good day. i think it had a lot to do with the email i received this morning. it was great!!!

So last night i started to teach Sarah how to drive standard. She did well, even though she was really hard on herself and thought she sucked. I dont remember back when i first learnt so it can be hard for me to teach. My dad just told me to drive to town in the little Mazda so i did. Ah, the Mazda, i miss that little car. so many good times. But i think i did an ok job of teaching... i tried to get her to feel where the clutch releases. Sometimes she didn't give enuf gas and stalled it. i was cute cuz she thought she was wrecking my car... Truth be told, i put that car through hell most days. If any of you have recently learned to drive standard or are pros at teaching, let me know a couple of tips. Sarah is going to be a pro in no time!

Big fluffy flakes are falling... I'm glad i washed my car on thursday. Her name is veronica. Veronica looks hot when she's clean. This recent warm weather has been really rough on her. But she's really looking forward to the spring time. she's like me. i really like spring. soon........

So yesterday i was contemplating what to write... As the day passed I just didn't get around to it and i began wondering if this fad of the blog had now passed for my life. i haven't come to a solid conclusion yet but i do still enjoy it... and even if i dont write everyday, that's still ok, right? right.

well, i think this entry is coming to a close. I wish you all a great and most lovely day. I'm thinking my future blogs will consist of some of my journal entries. should be a good time.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

staying awake

It's still slow here. i've read all the blogs on my list, chatted on msn, and sat around some more... i even played minesweeper for a little while. I'm good at it. the only problem is my records are pretty good so they're really hard to beat. i guess i just need to keep on trying.

don't you ever wish you could get an alert every time someone left a comment on your blog? yeah, that'd be good. someone can come up with that. but make sure i get credit cuz i said it first.

Aren't you guys proud of my mom for commenting on my blog?? I am. She's great! She doesn't always do too well with computers ... mostly cuz she doesn't like spending so much time just sitting there doing nothing. there's so much more productive things for her to be doing. She a multi-tasker, like Ashley i suppose. Plus, our computer back home is sssssllloooooooooww. yeah it's brutal. there's no high-speed out there yet.

My family is the best... totally taken for granted... sorry family... I hadn't talked to my sister for years... k, not years, but i was on msn with her, but that's not the same. i'm going to call her soon. we've gotta chat. the only problem is neither of us have a long distance plan... i know that's just an excuse... oh and another good excuse is the time change. she's 2 hours behind in BC. So even though i don't talk to some of you that often, that doesn't mean i don't love you....

dont be surprised if this isn't the last blog of march 10th for me...

erin is a nice friend

It's funny how this blogging community has multiplied. People who desparately wanted to stay away from the bandwagon have taken the leap. look at my list of friends. at least half of them started within the last week or so. crazy.

One person who's been on fire this week is Erin. She's got a killer blog. check it out. She had a great idea about blogging about people - mentioning at least 2 of her friends every blog. That should keep a person from not having anything to write.

So since i'm stealing her idea for today i'm going to talk about her. Erin and i met at camp in the summer of 2004. I am the director of Jr Teen Camp at Living Waters and she was one of the counsellors for the week. She dated my bro for a while and she's still my honorary sister. We had a Jr Youth Leaders meeting yesterday and she came up with some killer ideas. We're going to miss her when she goes back to the Lloyd for the summer. If only Lloydminster was as cool as Lloyd Christmas. Then i'd wanna live there for sure. Harry, i took care of it.

Today is thursday. i don't think i've helped one customer yet. and i've been here for an hour and a half. that's a slow start to a slow day.... who knows, maybe i'll blog like 8 times today...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

deep breath

Sometimes you've just got to take a deep breath. (deep breath) Man that feels good. Sometimes when you're mad at someone - or maybe annoyed - you just need to take a deep breath, remind yourself of their ignorance and move on. Your madness/annoyance will only effect you. They are unaffected because they don't know. and should they? no, you're just being stupid anyway. Sometimes i think i'm retarded or something.

Last night i watched Vince's hockey game. Vince is one of my jr youth and he plays for the Barons. He's a great guy! I'd share more about Vince but i'll maybe do that in person. Anyway, although they lost, it was a pretty good game. The final score was 2-1. Vince was sure he scored earlier in the game but the ref waved it off. He was all over the ice.

I think i need to take another deep breath. My heart is still angry even though my mind isn't anymore... (deep breath x 2) It feels good every time.

I'm not usually an angry person. I'm fairly even-tempered. Not too much will rattle me. I guess some things do though. i more often get annoyed than angry. I think i probably get annoyed too often. I need to not do that. cuz i probably annoy a lot of people.

Whatever, this is dumb. But you know what i love to do when i'm in this kind of mood ...(though i wasn't in this mood an hour ago. i was in a very good mood....) I like to drive really fast. i know it's bad. and i'm trying to stop. cuz the police man doesn't like it when i drive fast... something about dangerousness... and hurting people... and i definitely don't wanna do that!!! So i'm going to drive really nice today and i'll still feel better.

whew, i feel better already... (another deep breath)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Wednesday June 8 - Judges 3: 12-27

Thursday June 9 - Matthew 1: 18-25

Friday June 10 - James 1: 1-8

Saturday June 11 - Psalm 1 (it's only 6 verses)

Sunday June 12 - Matthew 2: 1-12

Monday June 13 - Genesis 1: 1 - 2: 3 (it's seems a little bit long bit it'll be quick)

Tuesday June 14 - Psalm 3

Monday, March 07, 2005

rock, stones, but no pebbles or bam bam

if you know me you know it's odd that i'm at a computer at midnight. I don't have a computer at home so unless I'm at work or the church, i'm not going to be at a computer. So where am I, you ask? Well, i was on my way home from dropping Sarah off when i remembered that i had some unfinished business at battery boys from saturday. so i stopped in here to clean it up. I'd rather do it now than have rick call me in the morning while i'm enjoying my day-off-sleep-in. plus I'm quite awake since i had a power nap around... 6.30 i think. i was tired and Sarah said she didn't wanna hang out with a sleepy person. she's funny. but her suggestion was a good one and the power nap really did me well. I was worried that if i had a power nap that i might not be able to sleep tonite. but then i remembered that i get to sleep in so i hopped into bed for about 20 minutes. it was a good one (dumb and dumber).

So upon waking up from my brief rest i picked Sarah up, we had Timmy Ho's to go and went for a walk... then we watched my for-real favorite movie, 'For Love of the Game'. It stars Kevin freaking Costner and Kelly Preston. Its about Love and baseball. She really enjoyed it and of course i did too.

So yeah, i was talking to Erin and she said my blog sounds very pastoral... I'm not sure whether that's an insult or not. i know it wasn't meant to Erin, but i ponder that thought...

Eh, maybe some other time... Yesterday, talking to Jesus... (and no talking to Jesus is not a pastoral thing to do. you need to talk to jesus too, it'll help un-screw you life up.) So back to talking to Jesus; I understand that God created us with (for no better terminology) a God-shaped hole in all of us. There's a longing and an emptiness inside of every human being that only He can fill. So often though, we try to fill it with other stuff. Therein lies the problem of humanity. Trying to fill the longing for God with so many other things. Why? Cuz God seems illusive. Yeah, that may be true... But that's the only way to find the real thing, true sastisfaction... I think the Rolling Stones sang about that... I don't like their music but that's ok. Sometime i try to find sastisfaction in hockey, or baseball, or entertainment, or relationships, or my jr youth etc. But those will all leave me empty at the end of the day if i don't find my real self worth in Christ. If i expect those things to give me true fulfillment, i will be sorrowly disappointed! My world has to center on Him. I'm still working on the legistics of what that exactly means but i think i'm right.

God, thanks for teaching me stuff and help me to listen more. and pay attention more. and get distracted less. Thanks... ttyl

So (sigh) i guess i should give you all the hockey update. I know that's the real reason you're checking this blog. So on saturday i told you that we'd be facing the #1 seeded Rock of Ages team. Well, it was an up-and-down see-saw affair between two great teams. We jumped out to an early 4-1 lead but saw it evaporate as the refs were determined to call penalty after penalty. Soon we were trailing 5-4!?! Where did that stinking lead go? But in a time where the cream rises to the top, when the.... you know what i'm trying to say... I crossed the blue line, wound up and let my (not quite) blistering slap shot go. it deflected off the defenseman's stick, off of the goalie's shoulder and into the net. Not pretty but the correct result nonetheless. It was my 2nd goal of the nite. (however, my self worth is not place in scoring goals or being a good/mediocre athlete). Rock scored with just under 2 minutes left, deflating the morale of the Flames on the bench. But with around 1 minute left Bryce Kinzel stepped up with his 2nd of the nite, a trash goal in front of the net to tie it up.... off to O.T. In the church league, to keep games within time contstaints, Over Time = Shoot Out. Each team selects 3 skaters to shoot on the goalie. Whichever team has the most goals after all three wins. Flames' forward Kurt (last name unknown to the author) scored the only goal of the shoot out to give 1st E a huge upset victory. Though the method was not ideal, the outcome will do. We move now to the semi-finals to be played in two weeks.

may your monday bring you good tidings of great joy that will be for all people.... no wait, that's a different story... good nite

Saturday, March 05, 2005

good morning san francisco

i feel like it's really early and i should be on one of those talk morning radio shows. the ones with the guys with really good radio voices. But really, it's not that early. Sometimes i pretend that i'm an announcer and that's fun. And sometimes as i'm about to step onto the ice, and my adrenaline's pumping (see last blog for more on adrenaline), i say, "here come your winnipeg jets" and then i fly onto the ice and wanna be just like teemu. I miss the Jets. Yesterday i watched the Teemu Selanne video with my new girlfriend. It's about half an hour of him scoring goals. It's really a beautiful thing. It had been a while since i had seen it and now i think i'll watch it everyday... no i wont. that'd be a waste of time. But i will watch it more frequently.

Graham still isn't here. and he's usually early. hopefully he's ok...

(in my cool radio voice) Nine teams..... one goal..... to rise above the rest..... to climb that mountain..... to be be the best! Last night the church league playoffs started with the 1st E Flames playing host to the Mount Royal Mustangs. It was an exciting game from start to finish. Halftime saw both goalies unbeaten but the confidence was apparent on the 1st E bench. James Hindmarch scored a huge short-handed goal to break the goose egg. They then responded with goals by Daniel Jeanson, Kevin Janzen and Bryce Kinzel. It was a tight checking, chippy affair ending with a fight. Hindmarch dropped his mitts but i fear he got the short end of this fight. And the worst part is that he's now suspended for 7 games. That's going to hurt. But the Flames press on tonight as they face the #1 seeded Rock of Ages...

Graham still isn't here.... maybe i should see what's up.... for a second i was wondering if it was even saturday, or maybe it was 10:00 yet... but apparently it is. good thing there's no customers.

I'd like to say to my momma. You're the best mom.

Friday, March 04, 2005

i dont know what my title should be today

Good morning. no messing around. let's get down to business. after a little contemplation and deliberation i have come to the realization that i must apologize for my recent blog entries. i realize that every writer (no matter the degree of their expertise) will go through times of difficulty. And other times they will be in the grove. (insert sporting analogy here).
The last couple of days have been weak on my behalf and i must do what it takes to step it up, to raise the bar, to go for the gold.

first matter of business: i need some advice as to the appearance of my blog... creative consultation if you you can see i have allowed each entry to have a unique color. but gazing upon yesterday's purple i was nearly horrified. purple?!??!? it just does not jive with my blog! so i need your help. what color should my entries be. your votes count. so vote. as the rockers say, vote or die. actually im not sure if the rockers say that, but it sounds good, nonetheless. Also what about the font and size. (notice today's is different than usual and the same as most of yours) i'm really looking for some guidance here. help a brotha out. i know you girls have lots of creative imput to give so bring it on.

second matter of business: Yesterday was Chad's birthday. be sure to wish him a belated happy birthday if you have not done so yet. He's a splendid guy. And single for you ladies out there. give him a call. i'm sure he'd like that.

thirdly, do you like what i've done spacing my paragraphs like this. i know it's new for me, but highly overdue.

Tonight the 1st E Flames embark on what we like to call... the PLAYOFFS!!! we were able to grab the 3rd seed in the field of nine teams and tonight we'll take on the Mount Royal Mustangs (they're not really the mustangs but i thought it sounded right. that might be the high skool team's name... if you know then tell me). Last year Mount Royal was the worst team in the league and knocked us out of the playoffs in the first round. We will look to avenge that humiliation. i'm going to be jacked up for this game.

Adrenaline is an addictive drug. I think Sidney (jennifer garner) on ALIAS said that. Like Sunday night when we were bowling... i know it's dumb to get pumped up for bowling but it's way more fun that way. i was cheering really loud for my team and ok, maybe i look like an idiot. But at least the people around are able to engage in a little chuckle... My adrenaline took be to the pinacle of my game, finishing with a mighty 208. anything over a duece is pretty good i think.

that's what i've got today. i can't wait to hear what you've got for me... have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

march ing on

Thursday, yes Thursday. Thursday is my day to be a Battery Boy. i kinda like working here on a day after jr youth. yesterday i was at the church for about 12 hours. it certainly makes for a long day. Especially when i'm not being effecient with my time. It's something i am working on. So after a long day at the church i get to sleep in a little and then come waste a day at battery boys. My mind is able to forget ministry stuff and relax. Then Friday rolls around and i'm ready to go.
Jr youth was good last nite, although i get frustrated... i decided that it'd be cool to play Capture the Flag in the church. but the seniors are in the chapel and we're too loud for that and the upstairs rooms are already set up for Sundays so we've gotta be super careful not to wreck crap... i need the church to myself! But we've really got some great kids in our youth group. i hope they alllll grow up to love Jesus more than anything else.
My girlfriend called me to say goodnite last nite. that was nice. i like her. It's been a great day and a half so far!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

mmm, summertime

Wow, i guess yesterday was busier than i thought. But maybe it's good to have a day off of blogging. hopefully i won't have a day where i have nothing to write.
I'm getting really excited about camp this year. This'll be my 2nd year as Jr Teen Camp Director at Living Waters Camp. Last year i had about a month and a half to plan camp. That, teamed with the fact that i had only even been to the camp for one night made planning very interesting.
But this year my friends, we're lightin' it up! Jesus and me are going to make this the best jr teen camp ever! We've got lots of kick-butt ideas. if any of you wanna help, you'd be joining an elite staff team. not just anyone makes the cut. but talk to me if you're interested. I can't wait!
In my world it'd be summer all year long. That way we could have camps all year long and play outside, and go for walks.... and most importantly of all, play baseball all year long. and football, and croquette. Croquette is quite fun even though i haven't played it since i was a little tike. We were at my cousins house in the little village of Shoenwiese, MB. Man, i musta been only 9 or something like that. My cousins name is Ryan. We used to always have sleep overs in the summertime. We'd bring our sleeping bags into their play structure (it was rad) and hang out there for the nite. oooo, we'd also play the FARMING GAME. and before you go saying that i'm some hick or something, don't! the farming game is kinda like monopoly but waaaayyyyyy better. it's long too, but ryan and i were just kids so we had lots of time.... Ryan's a good cousin... it's no good how we get old and drift apart. we see each other once or twice a year and it's kinda hard to catch up on absolutely everything.... ah well, such is life. life is good. i got a girlfriend